Reeflo dart to much power?


New member
Hi (new account but older member, forgot email and password....)

I have a 90g RR display with a 60 g sump and a 45 g refugium. With 3 small pumps I run my fuge , my display which has 4 returns with a closed loop, gfo reactor, carbon reactor and plan on adding a 30g drag tank.

I have a feel dart from my last system, was thinking of hooking it up to my 90g system. I know this is over kill but would it work? Mabey add a off of the pump feed reroute with a y some flow into the sump?

My other option would be two little giant 850gph pumps.

Any input would be helpful.
If you throttle back those pumps they use less electricity. Make sure to throttle the pump back on the exit side, the inlet needs to be unobstructed.
Are you talking as a closed loop, or return pump? That is a lot of flow through a sump that size. It might be fine as a CL pump.
Doesn't matter.... throttle it back to your preferred flow and save electricity.

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