Reefnest Summer Picnic Swap All You Can Eat Seafood Fest And BBQ


Dr. Zooqi
Premium Member
How about this guys. You know that we always suggest and do it. Instead of a monthly meeting we will have this

PICNIC (Indian Park In Montoursville) where kids can go and fish if they want, kites, frizby, etc .
Meet everybody

We will have sea food and all you can eat. There will be a charge of $ we have to figure how much.

A great time to get out of the house and have fun. We will have to pick a date soon.

BMAC is putting the event team together..

What do you guys think..
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we have that in mind :)
sounds goos all I am looking for volunteers. who can help plan this event !....I will get the pavilion reserved A.S.A.P.
Anytime in the middle of the summer should be fine. You know the park. It sounds like fun and we don't have to be reefers to attend. Should we do this like an event to raise money for a project or something like that. I'm sure we can come up with tickets and we can sell few of them. We can talk about this and make it a great event.
raising money sounds good, but what type of project are you thinking...? bmac ya know im good for the volunteer work, anything to help a good cause, just let me know what you think...ya know mo, i was thinkin about tierra, shes never been to a beach or a museam, or an aquarium expo anywheres, shes had a rough life with her father ya know never being there, and a single mother struggling, and since ive known her about a year now, i have done so much with her taking her places flying kites, going fishing, swimming at pools., hiking, but we havent got a chance to go anywheres cool...i was thinking maybe we could raise money and take our kids somewheres like a huge fish aquarium, i thought they had an underground one in jersey or something, its just a thought, b/c i am gonna go def this summer, and if we could raise money for something with the kids , im sure you might know of a few people who might own a walk through 200,000 gallon aquarium somewheres, maybe actually get a chance to swim with dolphins or something, i think that would be great for all of us, and expecially the kids, never forgetting that experience...just a thoought
Just a thought guys

PMAS held a used equipment auction at the summer picinic one year.
After all the party stuff wound down, we auctioned off all our junk.
60% to seller..40% to club.
We had a ball & raised a good bit $$
I got rid of some of my junk from the basement & filled it back up with other people's junk.
This may be a good way for the young reefers to pick up some equipment, & raise a little money too.

See you soon
Hey, that is a great idea and lets do that guys. I like it alot and I do remember that event. Thanks Bill..