Reefpack modification / relocation ?'s


Premium Member
I'm currently running a sumpless tank (105gal.) with the Reefpack 500 and have had this configuration for a year now. I'm very pleased with the performance of the RP, however, I would like to add a sump yet keep my current equipment. I see that Tunze now offers a Compact Kit 16 with what appears to be a Reefpack in addition to a Bioreactor & recirculation pump. So my question is, are the parts (tank with cover, recirc pump, etc...) available separately to make this conversion?

I'm real limited on space and this kit would fit the bill perfectly.

They are available, it will take me a while to figure out what all you will need and you will have to make several modifications. I also am not sure it will be cost effective. Remind me after Christmas and I will try to figure out what is required.
Thank you Roger for the prompt reply. What I forgot to mention before was that I would like to run the Calcium Automat instead of the Bioreactor and was unsure if this was doable.

Once again thanks and I'll be sure to reply to this post after the holidays.
It should be possible, I will check because the space is really tight, I am planning to use Kit 16 and have one opened so I can measure.
Roger, just wanted to send you a reminder about this and give you a list of what I already have on hand.

Reefpack w/calcium dispenser 5074
Outlet 1074
Hose Kit 1075
Calcium Automat 3174/3 (I believe you just shipped this out)

I know you said it would need some modifications to accomplish this and that should not be a problem.

It may work with one possible problem. You have to remove the green outlet nozzle from the Reefpack pump and open the plug in the back and remove the inlet tubes. The problem is the calcium reactor, the Bio Reactor chamber is only filled to about 5" in the sump, a dam would have to be added to get a 9" water level. Otherwise the reactor will not work properly. In doing this you lose about .5 gallons of reserve capacity from the sump, probably not a big deal but you have to be careful about setting the overflow and returns up so in a power failure you don't end up with a flood. The sump is part 1691.100 and it costs $203.82. It might be more feasible to build your own but I can certainly order you one.