

New member
Reefscience is running a 5 1-2"maxima for 99.00 special. If this doesn't scream out for a group order, I don't know what does. Shipping is 45 plus 8 box charge. $ 30.00 a piece. Worth a shot on such small clams. If I can get two other people, I will get the other three.
i remember the good old days of having to wait months before being able to add anything. im glab i never have to go through that again
You probably want to steer clear of clams less than 2 1/2 inches until you really get going. Those large derasas that Stephen has are probably the best starter clams you can get. They are very healthy, a nice size, and don't require much light. Maximas are by far the hardest to keep and ones that small are even harder. I will hook you up with some starter corals tomorrow. You can give those a try and see if your tank is ready. If they die, there are more where they came from.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7228002#post7228002 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dvmsn
Tom, I thought for sure you would jump on this.

Count me in. This is the first chance I've had to look at this thread. I about fell out of my chair when I read it though.:eek1:
Hey Chad how's the new baby? We would still like to make a trip up to see you, just haven't set a date yet.