Reeftopia order for delivery 3/16/06


New member
Looks like it's reeftopia order time again. If anyone wants to join in just post what you want and I'll keep a running total on this thread.

Here is a link to the Reeftopia website for anyone that needs it.

I know a lot of people personally and for those people payment on pickup is fine but if I send you a PM for payment prior to ordering I must receive it by 10am Tuesday the 14th so I can place the order Tuesday for shipping on Wednesday and delivery on Thursday- I don't want to be stuck with any unpaid for critters.

Anyone paying with Paypal must cover the 3% fee as well. Shipping should be free (we always seem to hit the $120 min) but they charge a gas surcharge and that will just be divided among how many people order.

All orders will be available for pickup after 3pm Thursday at my house and must be picked up by 8pm- I won't be responsible for orders not picked up on Thursday. If you don't know where I live just send me a PM for my address- I'm in Mesa major cross streets are Stapley and McKellips.

As always prices get a lot cheaper the more we order and splitting large quantities is always welcome- just be sure to post it on here to find someone to split it with. If we hit $200 we'll also get another 10% off.

Guess I'll start- I'm in for 200 golden Astreas and 12 Nerite. I'll probably add to this but that's it for now. (You still up for splitting 300 Jason?)
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6907989#post6907989 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dream54ing
keep me update on how much we're at and i will make sure we get over $200 for the extra 10% off....

I've done a few of these buys and we always seem to hit the $200 mark without a problem (last order was over $800). Go ahead and post what you want so others can possibly split some larger quantities.

clintrandall- I think Jtice was splitting the 300 with me but we will probably hit the 600 qty on those so I will put you down for the first 100 of that.

So far-

200 Golden astrea (split 300 with Jtice)
12 Nerite

100 Golden astrea (split 300 with sidewinder770)

12 cerith

12 bummble bees
100 golden astreas (looking to split 300 with someone)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6908593#post6908593 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by shawk
how big are the golden astreas and can they flip themselves over?

They aren't that big- maybe 1/2". No- they can't flip themselves over- wish they could though!
Question..... I had ordered a crap load of snails (1000+) for my 300 gallon with 450+ lbs of live rock. Unfortunately many of them fell behind rocks and died. I still didn't learn and bought about 100 or so more (larger ones) that I thought would be able to right themselves and was wrong. Although there was never a noticable spike in Nitrates I ended up with a Cyno and Algea problem. I have been working hard on skimming and exporting through the fuge, but I still have to deal with the existing algea. I am thinking about 100-300 blue hermits and 6-10 emeralds. Anyone have thought on this?
I'll take the following:

1 fighting conch
100 golden astrea
12 nerite
12 cerith
50 Nassarius vibex
"I have been working hard on skimming and exporting through the fuge, but I still have to deal with the existing algea. I am thinking about 100-300 blue hermits and 6-10 emeralds. Anyone have thought on this?"

I know what you mean. I ordered 50 last time and a good half of them died from falling. With a tall corner tank, flipping over snails is a huge annoyance. I like the hermit crabs, but they were eating my snails. I haven't seen them go after my corals, but I only had a dozen or so and I've trimmed them down to one.
I would like

24 Nassarius Polygonatus (they say out of stock but if they come in I want them)

If they don't come in

50 Nassarius Vibex

Thanks Scott!
Here is the latest- just let me know if something doesn't look right.

200 Golden astrea (split 300 with Jtice)
12 Nerite

100 Golden astrea (split 300 with sidewinder770)

12 cerith
12 Nassarius polygonatus (if in stock)

12 bummble bees
100 golden astreas (split 300 with lhoo and ?)

1 fighting conch
100 golden astrea (split 300 with clintrandall and ?)
12 nerite
12 cerith
50 Nassarius vibex

24 Nassarius polygonatus (50 Nassarius vibex if out of stock)

If anyone else wants 100 golden astreas we could all split the 600 price
I would like to modify my order a bit. This is my new list. Obviously, some prices may change if there are enough orders of some of them.

For those of you getting cerinths, we could each triple our order and only add an additional $10 since they come in lots at $75 for 100 of them. That's 33 snails for $25 instead of 12 for $15. I'm willing if you are.

1 red flame scallop ($6)
1 white flame scallop ($6)
2 emerald crab ($12)
1 porcelain crab ($6)
12 cerinth snail ($15)
12 Nass vibex snail ($10)
6 Nerite snail ($12)
Did you want this added to your current list or just delete your current list as I didn't see bumblebees or astreas on your new list.
I want to replace the previous list. The more I thought about it, the more I'm sick of seeing inverted astreas!

I know what you mean- I gotta clean up the astrea shell "boneyard" one of these days :)

200 Golden astrea (split 300 with Jtice)
12 Nerite
2 emerald crabs

100 Golden astrea (split 300 with sidewinder770)

12 cerith
12 Nassarius polygonatus (if in stock)

1 red flame scallop
1 white flame scallop
2 emerald crab
1 porcelain crab
12 cerinth snail
12 Nass vibex snail
6 Nerite snail

1 fighting conch
100 golden astrea
12 nerite
12 cerith
50 Nassarius vibex

24 Nassarius polygonatus (50 Nassarius vibex if out of stock)
I never add astrea snails to my tank because of the problem they have flipping themselves if they fall onto the sand bed. They are a good option if you go Bare Bottom.

Trochus snials are a much better option IMO. They can flip themselves if they fall onto the sandbed. They are a little more expensive though but worth it in the long run.

Here is a thread I put together on cleaners for my tank:
ill go with adding more cerith if other people do it to get us to the 100 level. also i changed my mind on the Nassarius polygonatus. Im jsut getting the cerith this time. thanks