Reeftopia order for delivery 3/16/06

Yup- the order got placed. It should ship today. Looks like 1 person hasn't paid or contacted me but I don't think that will affect anyone's order at this time. I'll keep everyone posted with status updates.

shawk- I never got a reply from from you and never received payment from you for your order. If you still want it let me know as I did include your order since I didn't want to mess up everyone elses group pricing on the Ceriths. Needless to say if anyone else would like some Cerith there are 33 extra at this point. I guess I will take them if no one else wants them but let me know when you come by to pickup your order if you want some or all of them- they will be $0.75 each.

The order should be here later this morning and I will post when it comes in. If everyone could PLEASE remember to come pick them up between 3:30 and 8:00 this evening that would be most appreciated. If you didn't get my address or phone # send me a PM.
ORDER IS HERE! Everything looks pretty good so far (I haven't looked at all the bags yet).

Shawk- I got your PM and payment- thanks. Feel free to pick them up today between 3:30 and 8pm. I think I sent you my contact info already.
No problem at all...happy to do it. Hopefully everyones order made it OK. I think this was a great shipment myself- I don't think I've had any dead snails yet.
most of my snails are okay except for about 15-20 that are still sleeping. maybe i will wake them up when i get home...:D
I was really happy with most everything, but I didn't notice until I was back on the road headed home that my porcelain crab was dead. I don't think he was dead for too long because the bag was only slightly smelly, but he didn't make it. Everything else is looking good. I think all of my snails are moving.

Thanks Scott!
thanks for putting this together Scott. All of my snails made it. :)
Scott your tank is looking awesome. I love the way you set the light for easy access. Hopefully I can stop by sometime after you have the cabnits all done, and when I have more time to check everything out.