1. Be very careful about conductivity probes. They are not reliable and cannot be used for exactly measuring S.G. In fact, since I have had my ACIII Pro, the COND probe has only worked well for a few short months. Even with it isolated something was plating it and I would clean it, re-calibrate, and then the reading would slowly drop to the point of being useless.
So they have an inherent problem of plating, as well as a semi-short lifespan. Setting the controller up to spot major swings may be a good way of getting an alarm for out-of-state salinity, like if something were to fail and you started filling up the system with RO/DI water.
I have spent a fair amount of time on this and purchased at least one new Lab Grade COND probe with the exact same results. It has never been reliable and the feedback from my mentor is the same.
Sorry to bring you that bad news, but I would rather that you were aware of it and understood it before it became a problem.
2. There is no such thing as a
"Last Order from SAVKO".
3. Lots of help regarding connecting the ACIII Pro in the
Neptune Systems Forum as well as from Curt. He is bar-none the best technical advisor in the business.
You can get a head start by checking out this site:
http://www.dyndns.com/services/dns/dyndns/ This allows you to tap into your controller from a remote location. You could also use pcAnywhere if you have your controller hooked into a PC with Aquanotes or even just a web browser.
There is a web server/browser built into the ACII Pro so you just need to find the best way to hook into it.
4. My tank room is on the floor below my home office and I like to be able to spy on the system from there. I have AquaNotes install on the office PC and a wireless router as well. When I first set up my ACIII Pro I had to buy the bridge online, so I substituted a wireless gaming adapter while I waited and it worked great right out of the box.
Then when the bridge came, I swapped them. It actually took more work to get the bridge online than the gaming adapter, and the gaming adapter was half the price. Just an FYI.
I have been happy just to get alarm emails without actually tapping into the controller, but like I stated, using the dynamic DNS site or pcAnywhere are both good solutions.