
Hi Gary,

Accuracy really isn't going to change any at all between the three that we carry.

The premium blue refract is a little more sturdy than what the ASICO refract is. This is by far our most popular unit. For the money it is pretty hard to beat.

If you are going to be using your refract multiple times per week then i would recommend the Sybon, as it is more "heavy duty" than any of the other refracts out there. At $60 it's a bargain when compared to others identical or cheaper made than it at $100 - $150.

If you are going to be using
Thanks Jeremy. I'll be ordering one of the refractometers you recommended. I will also finally be ordering my LR next week. Is the Marshall Islands still looking great? I'm going to need 55 pds. Thanks. How is Jay feeling? I had heard that he had been very ill.

Hi Gary,

Thanks! The Marshall is looking awesome as usual right now! I don't think you'll have anything to worry about with it.

Jay isn't feeling to well. He has actually been hospitalized, just waiting for the meds to do their work now. We're hoping he recovers fairly quick and we see him back around the shop sometime towards the end of next week or so.