Refugium Help

:strooper: Hello everyone, I need help since I just set up a refugium under my tanl that has the following plants:

Grape Caulerpa Algae
Razor Caulerpa Algae
Red Mangrove Tuber
Spaghetti Macro Algae

The Refugium is 30 Gallons for my 130 Gallon FO Tank.

What I need help in, do I have to put any additives like calcuim, Iodine or Iron for them to grow? Will Combi San from (TWO LITTLE FISHES) be sufficient? Also, how long should the lights be on? & last but not least, I have sea star, urchins, shrimps, hermits & Snails in my display, what can I add in the tank for them to prosper?

I hope anyone one can help.

On occassion some Iron may help to keep them from going sexual (the Caulerpa) but if you do regular water changes that is not needed.
They get their 'food' from the water itself.
As they grow they need to be harvested. ripped out.
You can choose to light 24/7 or, as I do, opposite of the main tank.