Refugium light


New member
Can anyone recommend a good light that they have had good luck with? I have plenty of room under my stand but I dont want to break the bank.
I use a simple screw bulb normal desk lamp in mine, (Clip on style with flexible shaft) bought at garage sale for 25c 3 years ago. I use a simple twist type 65 watt flourescent bulb in it and have been using it for 3 years and I grow chaeto and pods, out the wahoo with it. I started with a fist sized piece Dave at Kermits gave me and now I keep a rather large ball about the size of 2 softballs in there and pull out a fistfull at least once a week.
I have it on a timer opposite my main tank. Easy simple and cheap.
Will you put about 3 fistfull to the side and I will get with you in a couple of weeks??????

What you got chris?
I use a standard clip-on style work light, like they sell at lowes or home depot for $10, with a compact flourescent 16w 2100k GE bulb.
Does a decent job. I grow chaeto and caulerpa at a decent rate.

Before I had a standard yellow-ish compact flourescent bulb and there was barley any growth at all over 3 months.
So the bulb has ALOT to do with it.
When I was doing FW planted tanks, I'd use the 6500K "daylight" GE CFL bulbs. They were like $8 at walmart... Probably cheaper these days. Incidentally, I picked one up tonight for my sump/fuge.
When I was doing FW planted tanks, I'd use the 6500K "daylight" GE CFL bulbs. They were like $8 at walmart... Probably cheaper these days. Incidentally, I picked one up tonight for my sump/fuge.

Try the 2100k (or it might be 2700k) GE spotlight stlyle CF bulbs, I saw a big difference in chaeto grow when I switched from the 6500k to the 2700k.