Regal white spots


Active member
I’ve had this regal tang 2 weeks now and he was perfect until yesterday I saw him flashing and inspected him only to see about a dozen spots , white
I did add a fire fish on Wednesday but he and all others are fine
I’ll try to get a picture but I’m wondering if given he’s 2 weeks clear can ich still pop up?
Best I can do


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It looks like the white growths are projecting away from the scales / dangling off. If so, then most likely they are either bacterial or viral growths: Bacterial Tufts & Viral Nodules

Parasites cause excess white mucous to buildup around them, and when that happens the white dots "hug" the skin very closely.
It does not look like ich. It's too big and irregular to be ich. Likely bacterial or viral.
If its bacterial an antibiotic treatment will be needed and if it's viral then selcon mixed in food will give fish a fighting chance.
I would do antibiotics just to rule bacterial out. It will not hurt the fish in any way but rather boost it's immune system. If it's viral antibiotics will have no effect on it.
Mix selcon or fish vitamins in food and feed it next 1 month or permanently. And run a treatment of antibiotics like kanaplex. Follow the dose/duration mentioned on the bottle. Do not overdose.