Relentless bubble algae, anyone have luck with vibrant?

One thing I will say (I haven't used Vibrant) -- A lot of people who talk about Vibrant claim their problems came back eventually, either after they stopped vibrant, or just one day even WITH vibrant algae's just started showing up.

So while it will potentially help you greatly in the short term, it may be a big issue in the long run -- So if you get it down to very low numbers, think of it as a lull in the war, and keep trying additional treatments until it's gone for a lil while.

Just wanted to chime in to this comment. I have had no issues at all with bubble algae or bryopsis coming back. I also have kept track of my cleanup crew and making sure I have enough in my tank.
having bubble algae and cyano problem now for 1 month in my 50g . manual clean and dry 1 piece of rock or rack each time every week. introduce 2 emerald. i have a refugium cheato not growing. will update if it works.

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I used vibrant every other week for 3 treatments, along with recommended water changes. Algae was reduced significantly, still a little bubble algae, and lost a couple sps corals that had been doing very well. Also had a clown go blind. Now, just adding more emeralds, along with a Kole tang and hoping that will help bet the bubble algae in check. Kinda shy about using the Vibrant again.
I never continued the doses of vibrant. I didn't really see any affects from it. I have not done a water change since I stopped either. I haven't cleaned anything not even the glass. Bryopsis is not on the overflow or return nozzle anymore but bubble algae is still pretty bad. I am letting things go really, lots of frags got covered by it. I need to do one complete clean and hope the fish will keep it in check. I think if I add a foxface again it will not be beating me down like it is now. Anything not being affected by bubbles looks amazing though so I am not planning on doing anything anytime soon but cleaning the frags and corals of bubble algae and fragging any die off.
I had a bad outbreak of bubble algae and went the emerald crab route. With small emeralds, it seemed like the algae outpaced their ability to stop it. But somehow one of the emeralds became huge--killed the other emeralds but then mowed down the algae in a few weeks and it hasn't returned for over a year. My takeaway is that I'll look for big, feisty emeralds going forward... FWIW