removing mushrooms from rocks


New member
I have a few metallic orange mushrooms that I'd like to place in my nano tank but they are attached to a big piece of rock in my 57 gallon. Any suggestions on how to get them off?
Are they discoma's? If they are, they are really hardy. Pick a large fat one, and cut it off at the foot using a really sharp scissor. put in in a spot with good flow (but not too hard) and occasional use a baster to blow off any slime. It should heal fast and stick somewhere. if you do an iodine bath, it will be have a better chance.

If not, either chisel or scrap off. You could hang it upside down out of water and hope it falls off, or blast it with a pump and hope it dislogdges adn then put the loose mushroom in the other tank. Good luck
Are they discoma's? If they are, they are really hardy. Pick a large fat one, and cut it off at the foot using a really sharp scissor. put in in a spot with good flow (but not too hard) and occasional use a baster to blow off any slime. It should heal fast and stick somewhere. if you do an iodine bath, it will be have a better chance.

If not, either chisel or scrap off. You could hang it upside down out of water and hope it falls off, or blast it with a pump and hope it dislogdges adn then put the loose mushroom in the other tank. Good luck

Thank you so much! I'll try when I get home. I believe they are discoma but I'll chisel anyway