removing purple shroom from rock


New member
I've got a large rock in my nano i want to take out to open up the tank a bit, but it's got some purple shrooms on it i want to keep. how should i go about removing them and reattaching them to another rock? would super gluing them be a bad idea?
Maybe you could just chisel off a small piece of rock around them and than attach them to something. I know some people have had problems with gluing mushrooms and just let them reattach themselves in a low flow area.
Mushrooms and super glue don't mix. They are too slimy to handle let alone try and glue. I would take a hammer and screw driver and chisel off the very top of the rock where the purple ones are you want to keep. You want to try and keep them attached to the rock they are already on.
Mushrooms are very rezziliant cut or scrape them off with a razor !
Then you can spear them threw there foot with a toothpick and glue the toothpick to a plug rock etc.
Cut the rock, and then glue the rock to what you want. If you can't cut the rock, cut the head off the shroom, and leave it in a dish with low flow, on some rubble. It'll attach to some rubble after about a week or two, then glue it where you want.
You can try putting them directly in front of an output. I heard the high flow will bother them and they will detach from the rock to get away