Removing rock from my clam


Premium Member
I bought this beautiful blue maxima @ My LFS, he is attached to the most akward rock, i want to remove it so I place him.

How can I revove this rock without harming him. when i place him back it will be permanent.
I would leave well enough a lone. If you damage his footing he will die most likely. JMO.

If you want to move it, be very careful and make sure you can see the byassal threads that attatch it to the rock. Cut these as close to the rock and nothing else of the clam. It works well and I have done this with no problems. Make sure you can clearly see under the clam and where you are cutting otherwise don't risk it. hth
Maximas have a large byssus. To cut the threads only, tilt the clam to one side-gently touch the byssal gland so that it contracts into the clam-then use a straight razor blade(scraper blade) and angle the blade away from the opening. The blade should cut the fibers right at the rock not close to the clam.
After a few days the clam will reattach to whatever new substrate you place him on-good luck. Adam
or you could just put him in a place he doesn't like so he jumps off of that rock and you can put him wherever, if you don't want to risk cutting him