Removing shroom


New member
I have a very large problem shroom. It is about 10" across, and is attached with a foot that is about 5-6" across.
I don't want to kill it, but it is bothering my other corals, and just takes up too much room.
Is there a way to remove it without killing it? I know I can cut it, but it will probably grow back IMO.
Will it release if I point a PH at it?

how in gods sake do you have a mushroom that big? pics or it didn't happen lol j/k but seriously I want to see it. Also yes the poster above is correct on how to move it.
I have no clue what kind it is. This pic was taken over a year ago. It was probably about 7" diameter at that time. It is now draping over the sides, and bothering the leather. The one on the bottom is smaller, but has a cool growth on it.
I'll see if I can get some new pics in the next day or so.
LOL that thing is huge. I have never seen one that big. Usually only about 3-4" max.

I can't quite tell from the picture if reefergeorge's mushroom is an elephant ear which is a Rhodactus sp. or a giant cup which is Amplexidiscus fenestrafer. The best distinguishing characteristic between those two is that Amplexidiscus has a band just inside the outer rim that has no tentacles. Elephant ear can easily get 10-12 inches, and reproduces fairly quickly. My Amplexidiscus was over 16inches at one point, before I moved it and it got upset. I have since split it and currently have 2 individuals that are both about 12inches in diameter.

16 inch Amplexidiscus fenestrafer.
