Removing sponge from zoa colony?


New member
I have two different zoa colonies that have sponge growing between the polyps. I have tried several times to remove the sponge and it keeps coming back. I've taken tweezers and a dental tool to try and pull as much out as possible and then gently used a toothbrush to scrub as much as possible. Each time there is no visible evidence of the sponge remaining, but within a few weeks, the sponge is back overgrowing the zoas. The colony has been in the air for several min. that didn't appear to kill the sponge at all. Any ideas how to effectively remove the sponge?

Actually one colony the sponge is turning a really pretty blue color. I almost like the sponge more than the zoas, I might just let the sponge take that piece over. I do not want to loose the other colony though. Thanks!!
I mean if the sponge is truley choking out the zoas and preventing them for opening or growth, Yea remove. But I would leave sponges they are good natural filters....
I had the exact thing happen!! I was so angry!! The sponges were 2 different colors of sponges blues and whiteish. I t.rimed every thing to get rid of them finally physically removing them and then a good iodine did the trick. Make sure you check every coral and rock in your tank , I found alot more of them one was on my frogspawn and it was trying to kill it too. Hope this helps
I wonder if you could do repeated iodine or coral-RX dips (maybe once per day) to kill the sponge. Within 5min the sponge should cycle much water through itself; repeatedly exposing it to iodine might be enough to build up toxic levels within its tissues.

Let me know, I've got a sponge creeping up a colony of zoas too.
If it comes down to it you may have to frag some of them off the plug and put them on a new sponge-free one.
I've had quite a few sponges on my zoa colonies and usually they just grow over the sponge and it ends up dying after a while, but I've never had the sponge cause the zoas any problems. But you might just want to frag it, that will guarantee the sponge doesn't grow back near them.
Glad i found this thread, I am having the same problem with our zoa frags at my work (I work at my lfs) and I noticed this sponge growing on all the zoa frags and since they are tiny, they are getting suffocated easily and are dying! Really want to know how to get rid of it!
Try a peroxide dip. I dip my zoas in perocide to help kill algea the grows between them sometimes. The zoas close up for almost a day but open right back up unharmed and the algea is gone. Greated algea and sponges are different but I bet it would still work. Atleast it will not hurt the zoas.
Me too! Bought 3 AWESOME colonies of zoos a few months back. One colony still doing great, colorful, growing and spreading.

Second colony, Slowly started losing zoos. Moved rock and did a FW dip, have not lost anymore, and slowly gaining some zoos back.

Third rock is almost depressing...Lost about 40 zoos, in a matter of a few weeks. Took the rock out, and saw the back of it is covered in white sponge, spreading rapidly and taking out zoos from the back moving forward. I think its beyond dipping help. I planned to frag off the remaining into 2-3 small colonies of 5-10 zoos each. I have Coral RX but dont know if that helps with sponge.

If I can save whats left of this last colony without fragging, I would be interested. Tagging along
ya just lost a 100 polyp colony the other day.... did a 30-45 min hydro dip.... didn't dent the sponge... couldn't event safely frag polyps off everything was covered with white sponge. had to chuck it