Replace 6101 or go to a 6105?


New member
I think my motor unit on my 6101 just went bad.

I use an Apex for control and I'm wondering if I should get a 6101 replacement motor for around ~250 bucks or just buy a new 6105 for another 100-150?

Are there any major advantages to the new design over the design of the 6101's?
The 6101 is no longer made, so if you order a 6101 motor on, you will get a 6105 pump complete but without magnet holder or power supply. I might just get the 6105 from a dealer since the power supply is likely old and has limited life left, they usually last 3-4 years. Besides that, the newer magnet holder is more compact and nicer that the older magnet or rails and the full 6105 also includes a second wide flow housing if you wanted wider/shorter flow patterns.
The 6101 is no longer made, so if you order a 6101 motor on, you will get a 6105 pump complete but without magnet holder or power supply. I might just get the 6105 from a dealer since the power supply is likely old and has limited life left, they usually last 3-4 years. Besides that, the newer magnet holder is more compact and nicer that the older magnet or rails and the full 6105 also includes a second wide flow housing if you wanted wider/shorter flow patterns.

That was quick!:beer:

I actually bought a new power supply about 6 months ago for this unit (PC style). I still have two other 6101's on the old doughnut PSU and blue box drivers... this unit is one of the newer ones with the PC style and the small black "plug-in" box.

So I don't think I need the full retail kit, but can I get just a 6105 with the one or two of the housings?
The 6101.015 (6105 upgrade kit) will include a 6105 pump with the standard flow housing and an adapter clamp to fit the older style magnet holder or rails. The wide flow housing is an extra accessory, 6205.130.