Replacement driver for 6100?

Troy McClure

New member
G'day Roger and friends
Is it possible to get a replacement driver to suit a 6100? I have one that is water damaged, swapping the pump to another driver gets the pump working, but when used with this driver the pump only runs at about 50%, my 7095 has no effect, the pot on the driver also has no effect and the driver gets too hot to touch within 1 minute. I understand they are no longer in production but do you know if there are any used/recon'd or second hand available anywhere?
Cheers Ben
I would check with AquaDepot, the distributor in Australia. They may have some on hand. Worst case I have a used good one on hand and I have one new one left, but shipping to Australia tends to be rather steep. I leave for Germany tomorrow, I will be checking in but not as frequently. I will be back to work on the 24th.