Replacement for Cyclops-eez?


New member
The pinned post mentions feeding Cyclops-eez to sun coral however seems it has been discontinued. What is the alternative?
Cycles-eez would only be suitable for very small or young Sun corals. If this is the case you can use mysis, BS, or any other finely chopped food. I use live BBS to feed the young Sun corals that pop up around my tank.
I just ordered some TLF Calan-eeze after reading an article on reef builders about it. It's dry so it needs to be rehydrated, but I figured it's worth a shot
Out of curiosity am I the only one using Fauna Marin dry food like LPS pellets and zoa/ricordia powder instead of frozen?
Out of curiosity am I the only one using Fauna Marin dry food like LPS pellets and zoa/ricordia powder instead of frozen?

No, I'm using their Ultra LPS grow + color along with New Era Marine Pellets, the soft ones. Dry is just much easier to use. Frozen is given as a treat once a week or so.