replacing OLD bulbs


New member
Ok, so i finally just got around to buying new metal halide bulbs for my tank to replace the old ones. And when i say old, I mean OLD!!! I know I need to cut back the hours of light for the first couple of weeks as not fry everything from the intensity of the new bulbs. But since my bulbs are ridiculously old i was wondering if i should cut the light cycle back even more? Ive kinda been afraid of switching them because even with bulbs being older than dirt, everything in my tank is growing pretty fast and doing really well. And with my luck, ill switch em out and everything will will crap out on me. How many hours a day would you guys suggest running the new bulbs at in my situation? Thanks.
I use layers of screen (like pool cage screen). I put about 3 layers on top of my tank and remove a layer each week. If u can raise your lights that can work also. The question about shorter cycle well u didn't tell us what the current cycle is?
Well I would go to 4 hours and add 15 min every 2-3 days till u get back to 8 hours. If u don't do the screen trick I mentioned.

It takes a long time for a coral to suffer from not enough light as long as they get some. It only takes a day or two to kill them from to much light if it's a lot more