Requesting help with PAB


Red Dragons!
My profilux 3 es is not communicating with my PAB. I may be missing the correct cable to connect these. The S1-S4 port on the back of the Profilux is not the same size (smaller) as the port on the PAD. The PAB port looks like an RJ45 but the RJ45 will not fit into the S1-S4 port on the back of the Profilux controller. Do I need a special cable for this? I tried a phone cable with no luck. Thanks

The device is RJ45 so uses an Ethernet CAT5 cable.

All PAB devices should come with a step by step connection manual, If you did not get yours for some reason here is the direct link

Hope that helps ;)

For better and faster suppport please create an account at This is the support forum for global GHL tech support. If you post a question here and it remains unanswered (normally due to time differences), drop us an email at

the English section is at the bottom part of the page.
I tried to sign up but that is in german as well. I'm a bit confused by your answer. Your saying that the output on the profilux and the input on the PAB are both RJ45? An RJ45 will not fit into the S1-S4 port on the Profilux. Can you confirm the output for the PAB on the back of the Profilux is the S1-S4 port. The S1-S4 port is a 6 pin and the PAB port is an 8 pin leading me to believe I'm missing a special cord or the S1-S4 port is not the correct out port to the PAB.

Hope this helps ;)

IF you have PAB power bars they do not plug into S1S4, they plug into PAB ports. On the back of your profilux you have two PAB ports and on the power bar there is a PAB port, the cable (RJ45 which is standard cat5e cable) plugs into this.

From the very first part of the manual

"1 Connection
Devices with ProfiLux Aquatic Bus – in short PAB – are connected to the corresponding RJ45 sockets at the ProfiLux 3. Several PAB devices are so to say daisy-chained. This means that the first PAB device is connected via a PAB connection cable with one of the PAB ports of the ProfiLux 3. The next PAB device is either connected to the free PAB port at the ProfiLux 3 or at the free PAB port of the preceding PAB device. A further PAB device is then connected to free PAB port of the preceding PAB device and so on. Also several ProfiLux computers can be connected to this bus. The last PAB devices therefore have always one free PAB port."

Please have a look at the link I sent you all will be clear. ;)
Ok, We are making some progress! I have the PAD now connected into the right port and I did a PAB system reset the tried to configure device but it says no device found. The PAB is only blinking the power light. No other lights are on. Thanks for your help. I'm not good with tech stuff.
No problem, I do urge you to read the manual in the link above though.

I will copy and paste the next section to help you out here

2.2 Assign devices
Assign devices has to be used every time when you add or remove a device to / from the PAB or if you change extension cards within an Expansion Box. You have to select always all PAB devices also if they have already been assigned once before.
Before the devices can be assigned, all connections have to be established completely. Therefore the power supply of all PAB devices has to be secured. If this is not guaranteed, the bus is interrupted and not all PAB devices can be addressed. Also all extension cards have to be installed already in their Expansion Box at that time.
With Assign devices the whole PAB is searched for devices and afterwards their serial number is displayed. All devices which you would like to assign to ProfiLux, have to be selected with the arrow keys. If a PAB device is already assigned to another ProfiLux then you deprive the other ProfiLux the corresponding device with your choice.
Arrow up/down: to navigate in the list of the PAB devices
Arrow right: selection of the marked PAB device
Arrow left: removes the selection of the marked PAB device
Return: terminates the assignment
When the selection has been finished and has been confirmed with Return, ProfiLux adds all PAB devices that have been selected to its group. Afterwards the new sensor inputs, sockets, interfaces etc. are determined and stored in ProfiLux.
If not all devices are found, you should check the PAB connection and the power supply of all PAB devices.
second PAB not displayed in assign

second PAB not displayed in assign

Okay, I too am struggling to add a second PAB. I have followed the instructions, so I have 'powered up' my second PAB and then connectd with the Cat5 cable either directly to to the P3 or serially to the other PAB. But when I go to assign it, the P3 only recognizes the original PAB and not the new one. When I go to Configu.device it shows me the original with PB 'serial number' and then below that ??? with the serial number of the new one.

If I connect only the new one, and try to assign it says no device found. It doesn't matter if I sap cables, or ports, the same outcome occurs.

How is it that the P3 recognizes the new PAB to display its serial number in config device (albeit with telling ??? preceeding it) but it doesn't display it in the assign section.


Make sure all PAB devices are connected and have power applied then make sure you have put the X in the box for both serial numbers that appear under assign devices by pressing ther right hand arrow key then press enter on the ProFiLux
Yes they all have power and are connected (as evidenced by the fact that under the 'config device', it lists the new PAB serial number). On the 'assign' part, only the original serial number appears (with the little box beside it) which I can easily click to get the x. The new PAB serial doesn't appear there. Hence my frustration.

Do I have to upgrade my P3 with the extension before my P3 can properly recognize it?

So I also bought a conductivity and probe and redox probe and GHL told my dealer I needed the extension and sold me this too. I am trying to install it but the instructions are to install the extension in a P2 unit. There are differences.

The instructions say notify the Proflux that the hardware is changing (in its unmodified condition) by going to 'extra', then 'upgrade'. I go to 'extra', but there is no 'upgrade' prompt.

Secondly, the tiny screws holding the PCB in place, these are removable? With what? I used the tiniest of allan keys and its still not small enough. The screws in the picture look different. Yet it seems necessary to remove the PCB to replace the rear plate.

Please confirm whether the PCB must be remove when inserting the extended upgrade kit into the P3 and if so with what tool do I remove those tiny tiny screws which appear to fit the tiniest of allan keys.

If only one serial number appears then the configurarion is not correct.

EX kit - you need to fit the kit first before telling the controller is has been updated, this is done through the PLC software not through extras on the ProfiLux itself.

The screws are hex screws, you need a hex screw driver of the right size.

As you are in canada you may wish to consider sending the unit to us for full EX upgrade free of charge we only charge for return shipping.

I am away from the pc for the next day so if you wish to continue support with us directly please email me at so we can reply more swiftly.