

Hello. I am wanting to rescape my 150. I am just not happy with the looks of it. It has been up and running for about 4 yrs now. My question is, what is the best product to use to attach rock to each other. All my rock now is just stacked, but am wanting to get a little fancier. Also, would like to this without removal of fish in stages. Thank you.
Depends on what "get a little fancier" is..
Some use PVC/acrylic rods through drilled holes..
Some use "aquascaping glues/cements".. (numerous products out there.. some better than others depending on the specifics of what you need)
Some use a combination of those..
Some just stack..
Some use regular cement with adequate curing time..

Note that removing the rock will start the process of killing any bacteria on it.. Doing this in stages is highly advisable however that will also limit how "fancy" you can get..
Thank you Mcgyvr. I just want to do some bridge work and keep it minimalist. No rods or drilling. Just want to pull rock and work quickly. I was thinking some sort of epoxy or glue. Obviously the rock will be wet so wasnt sure what would stick.
I used PVC pipes. I liked the result. It needs a little more touch but for now it is ok. I didnt have suitable drill bit . But if you have then you can create a wonderful aquascape with PVC pipes.