rescue pink birds nest and first foray into SPS!!!


New member
ive been keeping reefs for two years now, and ive finally made the splash into SPS coral (hooray). Although ive done it in a strange fashion. I picked up a 5 dollar frag of a pink birds nest (Seriatopora), it is a rescue frag from a beautiful colony measuring roughly 7 inches across. half of the colony was toast. so i said what the hell, and i have always loved the challenge and the ethics of rescuing coral. The frag i have is pretty bleached, but some pink is still left, in my tank the polyps have been extended since i brought it home 2 days ago, so i imagine there is some hope left still.

My tank is 30 gallons has nearly perfect parameters, almost o nitrate and phosphate, and no measurable nitrite. I have a kalkwasser drip top off system and good flow provided by two zoo med power sweeps, a penguin 330, and a protein skimmer designed for a 90 gallon aquarium. The lighting is my only worry, i have 161 watts of light 1 inch above the aquarium half daylight half actinic. id appreciate any suggestions and feedback.

the coral in the pic is actually more bleached in person the camera darkened the image. sorry for the long post.
Pic doesn't really help. I would first question why the parent colony was toast. Lighting will be an issue too.
well i do have this coral very close to the top, and from what i understand seriatopora is a fairly low light loving sps, i could be wrong but almost everything i have read indicates this.