Results after Dosing KNO3 (Spectracide Stump Remover on a ULNS)


Active member
For the last 6 months my levels have been the following:

pH 7.8-8.3 (Depends on Season)
Temp 76.5-78.5
Salinity 34-35ppt
Magnesium 1000-1300ppm
Calcium 350-450
dKH 7.1-8.0 (test 2-3 times a week)
Nitrate 0.0
Phosphate (Do not Test)

Both tanks are lit by T5/LED combo
Display: 8 hours t5 - leds 35% max for 4 hours Display 4x24w ATI Hybrid

Frag 8 hours all lighting - no dimming 6x24 sunpower w/ 2 reefbrite tech all blues

Heres my observation and why I started dosing KNO3 (Spectracide Stump Remover):

1. I noticed that all of my corals were pale, more-so in my frag tank and less in display. I mean corals in my display were more pale then when I got them but not as pale than my frag tank.

2. I tried a multitude of things because both tanks are connected so the water quality is identical the only difference is lighting and flow.

3. I tried raising my lights over my frag tank as much as possible, currently 12-14" above the water surface. The corals still are pale in the frag tank, no changes although some corals were coloring up, before Nitrate Dosing, but as much as now.

4. After looking at all my data I wondered if Nitrate could be the issue. I have heard of people dosing Nitrate in the past on Zeovit or Biopellet tanks but never on a reef without these types of biological filtration. My nitrates were still zero and have been for 6 months, especially once I removed the sandbed.

5. I started dosing nitrate very slowly with a diluted solution (1/4tsp:423mL RODI) and very small dosing amounts (10mL). After the first day of dosing my test kit registered 0.2ppm nitrate and then for the past 2-3 weeks of slowly increasing the dose (from 10mL/day - 50mL/day) it has continually been 0.0ppm as my tank has adjusted to the addition of nitrate.

Over these past 2-3 weeks of dosing nitrate I have noticed several things:

1. All of my corals, both in the display and frag tank, are starting to color up a bit and deepen their skin color.

2. The algae my tank produces on the glass and rockwork has slowed compared to before dosing nitrate. **For instance, I would have to clean my glass every 1-2 days with 0.0ppm nitrate but after dosing nitrate to the tank I am going 3+ days before developing the same or less amount of algae on the glass.

3. My stock solution concentration has tripled. (I started with 1/4 tsp : 423mL RODI and I am currently at 3/4 tsp : 500 mL RODI. I am currently dosing 25mL/day which is enough to raise my Tank's Nitrate by 0.8ppm daily.

4.I just tested my Nitrate tonight and it is currently 0.2ppm. I dosed enough solution last night at 10:00pm to raise my nitrate from 0.0ppm to 0.5ppm and throughout today continued to does the same solution to raise my tank's nitrate by 0.8ppm.

5. If my total nitrate in tank between last night and today should be 1.3ppm and the amount of Nitrate I just measured was 0.2 ppm then my consumption looks to be 1.0ppm Nitrate daily.


1. Has anyone else noticed what I am noticing when going from ULNS to measurable nitrate?
I like the smooth approach. I am doing the same thing as well. following along

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Seems to be tougher to order this than i would have thought, not carried at home Depot or ace hardware in my area.

From what I'm understanding, po4 is unable to be consumed with out enough usable no3, so the addition of no3 can actually aid in the removal of po4.
Lots of threads about dosing KNO3, but one thing I'd note is I had some issues with stump remover definitely not being pure. Messed up my goni and flower nems. I'd recommend getting reagent grade KNO3 from somewhere like Etsy so that you have something without impurities.
For the last 6 months my levels have been the following:

pH 7.8-8.3 (Depends on Season)
Temp 76.5-78.5
Salinity 34-35ppt
Magnesium 1000-1300ppm
Calcium 350-450
dKH 7.1-8.0 (test 2-3 times a week)
Nitrate 0.0
Phosphate (Do not Test)

Both tanks are lit by T5/LED combo
Display: 8 hours t5 - leds 35% max for 4 hours Display 4x24w ATI Hybrid

Frag 8 hours all lighting - no dimming 6x24 sunpower w/ 2 reefbrite tech all blues

Heres my observation and why I started dosing KNO3 (Spectracide Stump Remover):

1. I noticed that all of my corals were pale, more-so in my frag tank and less in display. I mean corals in my display were more pale then when I got them but not as pale than my frag tank.

2. I tried a multitude of things because both tanks are connected so the water quality is identical the only difference is lighting and flow.

3. I tried raising my lights over my frag tank as much as possible, currently 12-14" above the water surface. The corals still are pale in the frag tank, no changes although some corals were coloring up, before Nitrate Dosing, but as much as now.

4. After looking at all my data I wondered if Nitrate could be the issue. I have heard of people dosing Nitrate in the past on Zeovit or Biopellet tanks but never on a reef without these types of biological filtration. My nitrates were still zero and have been for 6 months, especially once I removed the sandbed.

5. I started dosing nitrate very slowly with a diluted solution (1/4tsp:423mL RODI) and very small dosing amounts (10mL). After the first day of dosing my test kit registered 0.2ppm nitrate and then for the past 2-3 weeks of slowly increasing the dose (from 10mL/day - 50mL/day) it has continually been 0.0ppm as my tank has adjusted to the addition of nitrate.

Over these past 2-3 weeks of dosing nitrate I have noticed several things:

1. All of my corals, both in the display and frag tank, are starting to color up a bit and deepen their skin color.

2. The algae my tank produces on the glass and rockwork has slowed compared to before dosing nitrate. **For instance, I would have to clean my glass every 1-2 days with 0.0ppm nitrate but after dosing nitrate to the tank I am going 3+ days before developing the same or less amount of algae on the glass.

3. My stock solution concentration has tripled. (I started with 1/4 tsp : 423mL RODI and I am currently at 3/4 tsp : 500 mL RODI. I am currently dosing 25mL/day which is enough to raise my Tank's Nitrate by 0.8ppm daily.

4.I just tested my Nitrate tonight and it is currently 0.2ppm. I dosed enough solution last night at 10:00pm to raise my nitrate from 0.0ppm to 0.5ppm and throughout today continued to does the same solution to raise my tank's nitrate by 0.8ppm.

5. If my total nitrate in tank between last night and today should be 1.3ppm and the amount of Nitrate I just measured was 0.2 ppm then my consumption looks to be 1.0ppm Nitrate daily.


1. Has anyone else noticed what I am noticing when going from ULNS to measurable nitrate?

I just wanted to say Thanks for this. I've been keeping reef tanks for almost ten years and have tried everything you can possibly think of to keep nice colorful Coral with no luck. Although they lived and great a little they always lose color. Until recently I always thought the goal was to have 0 no3. Now I haven't tried it yet but it seems after reading this and a slew of other related articles that dosing nitrates is an outstanding way to solve the issue I've always had including the cleaning my glass every day for years. I've tried every approach known to reduce glass algae and failed. I'm praying that this works!