Return Line Idea for my 335 setup


New member
Hello there,

I'm "hopefully" going to be setting up a new 335 Acrylic tank (74"x36"x29") with a middle (center) overflow. I'm setting it up against a wall so the middle (center) overflow while not ideal is what I have to work with. My idea comes with the return line for the tank. I'm thinking of running the ReeFlo Hammerhead/Barracuda 6000 GPH as my return pump. That being said, all of this flow needs to go to good use :)

A LFS here in Tampa did something very interesting with their 600 gallon display and I think it might be the perfect solution for using my extra flow. They took PVC (not sure what diameter yet) and ran it around the top of the tank along the frame of the Acrylic. From there they have 8 outlets that end in 90 degree elbows into the tank. They are running two of the 6000 GPH pumps on what I believe is two separate lines.

I'm thinking that this system is both ingenious and overly efficient in that the return pumps have been "pretty much" turned into eight separate powerheads that cover the entire tank instead of just 1 or two return exits. What I'm looking for is advice/a sanity check on running this setup? I will be running an additional RedSea Wavemaker with 4 Hydor Evos to handle flow towards the middle/bottom of the tank as well.

Thanks for the help in advance, BTW, I'll start the build thread as soon as I get the tank in my house :bounce1:
I had this type of setup 12 years ago. I didn't want a bunch of pumps/wires hanging all over the place. I had each head on a ball valve for control. it worked very well for "target" water movement as well.......
I had this type of setup 12 years ago. I didn't want a bunch of pumps/wires hanging all over the place. I had each head on a ball valve for control. it worked very well for "target" water movement as well.......

Haha, thats great! I was going to do valves as well, hopefully it will give me much more flexibility when placing corals in the tank, with the controllable flow and all :)