Return of the flukes


New member
Chris, the LFS owner, got in the two tangs and two lions that I ordered. They have been quarantined now for about 2-3 weeks. Shortly after he got them in, he also took in trade a larger Naso tang from a customer, where the tang had outgrown his tank. The customer has a 150g, and the tang is about 6 inches not including the tail. Chris thought it was a male, and since this was a fish that had been in captivity for better than a year, it seemed like the more stable bet. I took that Naso home instead (after it had spent about a week at the LFS). The other day I noticed what looked like the start of some clouding in the upper portions of his eyes. By Friday I was certain that his eyes were starting to cloud. So, I went out and got more PraziPro and dosed the tank, turning off the skimmer and carbon. The mushrooms are not happy, but they were not happy last time either, and they lived. My wife thinks that the tang's eyes already look a bit clearer, but I have my doubts that it is working that fast.

In regards to the algae, I did a large water change before adding the PraziPro (about 30 gallons, which is the most I can make up at one time) and took the opportunity to take out many of the algae-covered rocks and scrubbed the algae off of them. I have no illusions that this will rid me of the stuff on those rocks, as there is still algae in the tank, but it sets it back a bunch. I tested for phosphate, which came in at a whopping 0.25ppm. Yeah, time for some GFO. Unfortunately, I only have one reactor, and I don't want to toss the carbon in the reactor - I just replaced it. So for now I have the GFO in a sock. Once I bring the carbon back online I will add the GFO to the reactor, where I am sure it will get better flow.