Return pump advice


Active member
Hi all,

I'm upgrading my tank to a 300. Looks like it's happening Saturday. I'm somewhat prepared, minus a return pump. I run a Poseidon PS4 now. It's the best pump ever. 13 years strong and silent. But old and not enough water movement. I was wavering between another external, or going two internals. But after researching all the costs, to me, the best option looks to be external. I was looking at the Dolphin Amp Master, 4750 gph SMD pretty quiet.
Anyone have advice or reservations about going this route?
My advice is to use they very smallest return pump you can to achieve the turnover you want to feed your fuge, skimmer etc. it's very expensive to pump against 5' of head in cost of pump, electricity and heat. Additionally, the more flow, the more water is in your DT to drain in a power outage meaning the lower you have to keep the sump level. 1,500 - 3,000 max GPH @ 5' of head is what I would be looking for on a 300. Fluval SP6 dialed back a bit is right in your wheelhouse.
Return pump advice

I have a sp6 for sale if you're looking for 1, 135 bucks

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The fluval SP line I hear is rock solid and from what I hear "a poor mans red dragon". Great advice going on here.
Thanks everyone. I ordered the SP6 from Amazon yesterday, before seeing thirsts post. I ordered it in time for tomorrow delivery, as I'm doing the upgrade all day tomorrow. Just got a notification.... Sunday. Well, after a call and them giving me a free month of Prime membership, whoopee, I may be without pump tomorrow. Thirst, PM sent. I may pick yours up tomorrow if we can hook up somehow. I figure it's a good idea to have a back up anyway. I always meant to have a backup for my PS4, but never needed it. So wish they still made those pumps, and at a higher GPH.