I keep getting hints to update this thread. :lol: The bleeding has pretty much stopped - I moved all my SPS to a temporary tank where I have them stable. I did lose quite a few though, but rebuilding should be fun.
I bought two new toys - one I'm pleased with, one I keep having problems with. The first one is a new calcium reactor - I got the Elos REA120 Plus. Its purty. I'm just waiting on a co2 tank and I'll get it up & running. I went with the Elos regulator & solenoid also.
The other is the Sfiligoi Infinity 2x400W + 4x54W and I've had a lot of issues with it. I thought it would be a good choice because of the wide reflectors. But as soon as I got it, the T5 ballast blew. It fired the lights, they turned off. I'm pretty good with T5 ballasts so I did whatever I could to fix it - they're not working. I decided to just replace the ballasts, and run it off US standards. Reefgeek has been nothing short of stellar helping me with the issue (as always). So I thought I'd run the MH only, but the fuse blew. I've had Giesemanns & Aquaspacelights - they didn't have a fuse - but this one does. And it blows, literally & figuratively. After the first, I went thru four more - which lasted anywhere from 3 seconds to one day.
So Sfiligoi wants to send me MORE fuses. A little frustrated, but what can I do? Right now I just have a massive light fixture taking up room on my floor. I ended up buying a used Aquamedic Sunlight NG in the meantime.
Somehow in all of this I ended up with three pendants - the Elos 2x150W + 4x39W, the Aquamedic 2x250W + 4x54W and the Sfiligoi. :lol:
So all that said, I got all the SPS out and this week I will be finishing my aquascape & adding sand. Very excited. Should get the sump in the next few weeks as well! I'll post some pix when its done later this week!