Reviews for Master Electronic 1073.090?

Reefer Brian

In Memoriam
Why cant I find a review for this pump? Is it a high head pump that can pump water 8' with some decent pressure? Looking for some personal experiences...Any input would be appreciated, thanks.
I am not a huge fan of this pump, we stock them but the advantages they have don't outweigh the disadvantages for a US customer. The main asset of this pump is it is extremely energy efficient, that is great if you live in Europe and pay 25c a KWH. The disadvantages are they use a ceramic shaft that is too easily broken when removing the cover for service (a spare comes in the box and with practice it is not that hard to do but you will break at least one and it is almost the diameter of a pencil, it isn't flimsy, but the cover is on tight with an oring and if you pull it off crooked, snap!) The other thing I don't like is it tends to build up calcium quickly on the huge impeller magnet. The magnet is so long (about 3" long and 1.25" in diameter) that it cements to the shaft if not cleaned regularly. It also makes about as much noise as an air cooled pump. They have not been a huge seller in the US, I take pride in giving a straightforward answer. I would not buy one myself and that is really the only product in our range I would say that about. The maximum head is 16ft, at that point flow = 0gph. At 8ft it will do about 1100gph. It does use only 120W which is tough to beat, but the cost of broken shafts and seized impellers will outweigh the 50%+ watt increase of a competitor for most US consumers paying 10-15c KWH.
Thanks for the response Roger...and your honesty. I can say that I do love my oldschool 6200's, which have worked flawless for many years already. I will look into another pump since you say its not really worth running. Usually Tunze is a great addition to any aquarium, I guess not this product. Thanks again....
If you had a lower head pressure I could recommend multiple 1073.040. Otherwise I have always been very pleased with GRI pumps, if you need more flow, the Dart line is very good as well.