ReVive Dip, AEFW, and Dead Acros...


Registered Member
Last night I went on an expedition in my tank to see what the problem was with some of my corals. Earlier that day I saw a big flatworm wriggling on an acro that happened to have some bite marks and white spots. So I decided to take it out, dip it and sure enough AEFW flew off.

My dip was just a revive one shot in a gallon of fresh RO. I realized I had AEFW in my system, so I dipped all the other Acros I had, and created probably fifteen healthy frags of coral. I dipped them all in the same solution, one shot of revive in a gallon or so of RO.

Now this morning I woke up and all my Acros are bleached except one large mari milli. I am so upset and dont know what happened. Why did they bleach after the dip? Was the dip top strong?? I kept them in there for at most 7-8 minutes, was that way too long??

All advice would be appreciated after my catastrophe!
Eeep! The dips should be done in tank/salt water, not fresh water!
Sure, sofies, zoas, even fish. But IME most acros and montis can't last but a minute or two in FW. I don't think I've ever done more than 60 seconds, and even that was fatal sometimes. Pretty sure 7-8 minutes will be deadly :(
yea sps wont tolerate the freshwater.. tank water is perfect for the dips .. how long did you dip for?
Also, just for clarity... the Revive instructions on the bottle label state to use salt water. At least my bottle does, not sure if they've changed that recently.
I did the same thing. I bought a bunch of SPS. Thought I was doing the right thing and FW dipped them, killed them all. Hopefully, yours is able to recover.
Thanks all for those who responded! I feel like an idiot!!! And just to clarify, this isn't revive (my fault), it's coral RX. And its just one of those one shots you got if you went to MACNA, but still it was bad on my part.

Here's what's died so far:
- blue fuzzy
- red/blue table (really really liked it)
- blue tipped stag

My blue tort, efflo, purple valida, and pink lemonade are all on the ropes... :(
when I was dipping my sps I used the same tank water ..pulled out a gallon made sure it was still the same temp so moved quickly and dipped them. when you get a coral home you always need to acclimate them to just put them in cold R.O water shocked them and no salt and then the chemicals just did them in..IMO sorry for your loss hope they come back as well..good luck ..I lost all my mother colonies over 4 months eventually lost all of them ...been a year now ..
If you're in my area Felix I can replace most on your list. Where are you located?

That is an extremely nice offer and very kind of you so thank you. But I'm unfortunately located in Minneapolis... Man do I love RC for the generosity if nothing else.
Well here's a little update.

- My pink mari milli had no ill effect! Which is crazy to me, but I feel like I know why. The milli is my biggest piece, and the whole piece wouldn't fit in the dip, so I only could dip part at a time and it was in the dip the least out of everything. My efflo is only a quarter gone and I think may be ok. My blue tort is also hanging I'm there. So hopefully this won't be a huge mistake and certainly will be my last SPS freshwater dip!!!!!