Rhodactis placement ?


New member
So I put these guys in the tank a few months ago and they seem to be growing quite well, but as they've grown (from 1-2" to 4-5"), they have lost some color... used to be much darker with brighter greens, but now are looking a bit dull under white lighting... normal? or should I try moving them to more/less light?

They are in the bottom third of my 24" tall tank, and seem to be otherwise very happy... fully opened all the time invading one another's space...



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Nah they are doing just fine they will move if they are not happy. If they are always lifting when the lights are on they need more light and if they shriek away then too muck light.
Cool - thanks...

They appear to want to lay mostly flat, but for pushing each others edges up a bit like shown in the pic as they have grown larger...

Only one of them appears to be moving very very slowly (the foot has moved about half an inch in two months) away, seemingly to get more light (the largest in the middle tends to cover that one up.
The color change is most likely due to the change in lighting from where you got them.

Thanks - maybe I can get them to darken back up now with a bit with more blues... I was running my lunar blues only five hours from 5-10pm, but started walking the start back an hour at a time and now run those 12 hours from 10am-10pm (they are LEDs, and I am not 100% on the nm, but I believe they are supposed to be close to actinic's). (also have other blues, that I believe are not actinic wavelength)
If they are just "lunar lights" then they may not be of the proper wattage to really matter to the coral in terms of usable light.