Rhodes19 180 Build

Some more additions. :)

A flat acropora

Red favia


7 head Green tip hammerhead


4 head neon green candy cane

UPS just visited and delivered my Captive Purity Refractometer from Marine Depot. Now I feel like a big boy aquarist. :) Can't wait to get home, check the calibration and see where my tanks really are at.
I have two hydrometers. One reads 1.021 and one reads 1.028 on the same water. A refractometer shows the water to be exactly 1.025, so I know just how far off each one is. The shocking thing is if I were using just one (either one) I would be off by a long shot.
Well, when I got home last night I had to calibrate the refractometer (was off just a little bit) and then I tested my water. SG 1.027 so it is on the high side. My hydrometer was reading 1.024. I made up some water last night and I'll do a partial water change tonight.
Here are some attempts at taking close up shots of some of my corals. The colors are off and I'm not sure how to correct for that (I'll get/learn photoshop at some point). I tried using the macro setting but could never get as close as I wanted. I'll need a much better/more expensive camera at some point as well, but that is on the bottom of my list.

Neon green candy





Same monti but with different ISO



I really like your pictures! =) That acan sure is pretty. What kind of montipora is it? Capricornis? Lookin good! :dance:

Thanks MarineGirl,

One of these days I'll get a new camera and take better pictures. I believe it is a Capricornis but don't hold me to that. When I bought my 180 the lady I bought it from gave it to me as a frag and by the time I got home I forgot the name. Now I write them down!! :)
We have tumbleage!!! :) I modded my fuge baffles so now I have a undercurrent that causes the cheato to tumble. I had 2 11 7/8x1 1/2" pieces of glass cut and I siliconed them in place. Works like a charm. I drained the fuge, dried the top of the middle and 3rd baffle, applied a line of silicone on top of the baffles and clamped them in place. I then siliconed both ends. The wax paper was used to make the clamp removal easy. :)




Ok, its official, I don't particularly care for the Sicce power head. I had to move it around and have it point into a different part of the tank and it kept falling off its bracket. I would try to rotate the power head on its axis and it kept popping off. My Koralia 4 is easier to direct unfortunately, the magnet is just barley strong enough to keep it on the 3/4" glass.


Is that sicce made by the same company that makes the sicce pumps used for skimmers? If so, I hate them! I will never have another sicce pump. They are lousy! I bet you could find a used tunze or vortech.
Is that sicce made by the same company that makes the sicce pumps used for skimmers? If so, I hate them! I will never have another sicce pump. They are lousy! I bet you could find a used tunze or vortech.

Hi MarineGirl,

I believe they are. If I'm not mistaken, they are an Italian company that is supposed to be pretty descent but I won't get another one. I've been eying the vortech MP 40 but I still have sticker shock. After I get my lighting and skimmer squared away, I'll start working on getting a better flow system. Maybe even get an external pump and some pvc and plastic tubing and make some kind of closed loop system.
tank is coming along pretty nice. really like the blue tang. id stick with the t-5

Hi beex, thanks. Sorry I didn't get back with you sooner. Life has been keeping me busy. I had to treat the tang with cupramine because she got velvet during quarantine but she is doing better now. She should be ready to go into the 180 in about 2 weeks. I want to do some re rockscaping before she goes in though. I'll try to do that next week.
Ok, here are the pics of some frags I picked up over a week ago and they seem to be doing ok. I picked up a purple joker acro and a purple rim monti. I guess I was on a purple kick. :) Last time I was on a green kick when I got a green acro, a green monti, and a green digi (don't think it made it. :(). I spent time doing a 60 g water changes and cleaned up the sump and pulling out a bunch of dead snails. I also spent some time taking some of my other loose coral frags and mounted them on some rocks so the snails would stop knocking them over and upside down. Some of the frags where on plugs so used a masonry bit and drilled some rocks and used the clay like epoxied to hold the 2 together.

Here is the purple joker acro.



The purple rim monti. It actually broke in 2 while I was mounting it. Its pretty thin and fragile.



Here is the green acro I got a while ago. I drilled a hole in a rock and mounted it so it would stop getting knocked over. It is also starting to branch. :woohoo:



Here is the hammer head I mounted on the rock. It was in the sand since I got it. While I was mounting it, I noticed some small heads being formed off the main stock/branch. Can't wait to see how they grow out.


I also mounted an acan onto a rock as well but I forgot to get a picture of it. :(