Rhodes19 180 Build




I picked up a carbon/GFO reactor and finally got it installed. I don't have any GFO so I went with Marineland carbon that I have on hand. Once I get some GFO, I'll run that instead.


MJ 1200


Here is the Korellia Evolution (1400gph). It seams to be doing well.


And here are the digital thermometers. One was reading 69 deg and the other was reading 75 deg. The incorrectly working thermometer was reading 75 when the tank was at 81!!! Ok, lesson learned. Digital stuff lies. Time to look for an analog meter.

Things look really good Chris! You have a lot of nice frags. Those acans are awesome. That green fungi is to die for.:spin3:

I like the idea with the drain line for the skimmer. I might have to do that as well.
Things look really good Chris! You have a lot of nice frags. Those acans are awesome. That green fungi is to die for.:spin3:

I like the idea with the drain line for the skimmer. I might have to do that as well.

Hi Gina,

Thanks. The acans have really taken of and are growing multiple new heads. I mounted all of them on bigger rocks so they would spread out rather than grow under the plug. Well, at least that I was told they would do. The brown fungi on the rock has really taken off. I looked at it last night and noticed that 3 fungi I glued to a rock have turned into 7 if I counted correctly. I guess I should figure out how I'm fragging them!! LOL

The skimmer mod is great time and maintenance saver. I highly recommend it.
Ok, some up dates. I spent some time last weekend taking the ceiling fan down so I could move it about 2'. It was partially hanging over the tank so I could not really put a nice functional canopy on it. So now that I have room, I am running out of excuses for not starting a canopy. My wife asked if I could paint the fan black while I had it down so I did. Doesn't look to bad.



Fan taken apart and painted.



Old hole in back, new hole in front.


Old hole patched


Popcorned over. Not too bad.


Painted, re assembled, and hung back up.


Next project? Canopy, bio pellets and reactor or reactor with GFO, and find good quality test kits. These Tetra tests are driving me nuts.
I got a nice package in the mail yesterday. I ordered a Tyree red watermelon chalice and a key lime mango chalice. Joey also tossed in a zoa frag for me too. :) The frags were boxed up nicely and came with a heater pack. The pics of the frags are just after they went into the tank so they are not fully opened yet. I think I am developing a chalice addiction. :D






I'll post better pictures of the new frags later on.
Ok, Frankie has been beating me up for the past several months about spending my money on good quality test kits before I buy any more coral or fish. He even has my wife on his side now and she does not mind repeating that mauntra either, sooooo....

I ordered a Hanna Checker phosphate test kit and a Hanna Checker alkalinity test kit yesterday. Both were $5 off on their web site and I should have them by next week. A Salifert or Elos nitrate test kit is next on the list and Frankie gave me Salifert Sr/Ca test kit which I used last night. I messed it up and didn't get the color change the instructions said I would so I'll try again tonight when I get home.

Can I get some more corals now???? Please???? :D
Sure Chris, right after we get the test results from the Elos kits that your going to be getting :D
Look forward to checking out that Hanna test. I never had one before.
Congrats on getting good kits finally! This is a big step in reefing for many reefers. When you spend more then $20 on a test kit you know your advancing :)
Thanks Frank. I think my next purchase will either be a GFO reactor with GFO or a bio pellet/zeovite reactor. I want to get the nitrates and phos down and the hair algae gone too. I did ask Lynn to hold a mummy eye chalice frag and a yellow scroll frag for me. I was going to pick them up next Sunday on my way home from the seminar but I won't be able to get there until about 10 pm. A bit late so it will have to wait until the following weekend.
Ok, the Hanna Checkers came in yesterday and I used them last night. That has to be the easiest testing I've ever done and the results are digital so I don't have to play the color guessing game. :) Here are some pics.


Alk checker.



Phos checker.



Using them was quick and easy. My phos read 0.09 ppm and my alk read 117 ppm. Now I have to go and figure out that that means and what a good range should be. LOL!

On the down side, when I got home Monday night, the bottom half of my table acro turned bleached white. I moved it away from the acans thinking they may have stung it and last night when I got home it was totally bright bleached white. :( Every thing else looks ok so I hope this is an isolated incident. I've been using zeozym to drop the nitrates and they've come down from what I'm guessing a 10 (using a tetra test and the first color is yellow/0 and the second color is orange/12.5) to what I'm guessing is maybe a 5. I think its time to get a better test kit.

pH 78 down
nitrates 5 down
Ca 400
phos 0.09
alk 117
SG 35 ppm

I'll test for Mg and Sr tonight.
Ok, Mg tested at 875 ppm and it looks like it needs to be bumped up to 1200-1350. I have some Reef advantage magnesium so I'll read the directions and start bumping it up.
Awesome Chris! Can't wait to get my hands on that reactor to see the build of it.
Any headway with the canopy build? If you need some materials let me know and I'll keep an eye out on my job sites for what your looking for.
Awesome Chris! Can't wait to get my hands on that reactor to see the build of it.
Any headway with the canopy build? If you need some materials let me know and I'll keep an eye out on my job sites for what your looking for.

Hi Frank,

Thanks. No progress with the canopy yet. Saturday was busy but I did get the glass clean and did a water change. I'm about ready to deep 6 the skimmer pump. It overflowed 3 times on me over the weekend. I have it set low enough not to flood until I get home tonight. Didn't get the reactor or biopellets going either. If you want to come over tonight and take a look at it you're more than welcome. :)