ric fragging question


In Memoriam
If you don't have any razor blades could you just use a pair of scissors? I know razors are cheap so if not im going to just go buy some.. How long do they take to heal up and start to get their round shape back after you frag em? Also is there any special care needed after fragging? Thanks!
m...i think blades are better... sharper and easy to cut em'. After every time I frag any shroom or ric .. i place them somewhere with not a lot of flow leave them there for about 2 weeks..feeding them at least daily some live phyto.
Clean cuts seem to heal faster, and scissors CAN tear. I fragged a ric last week, both pieces have attached to rubble, are nearly completely round, and only slightly smaller that the pre-slicing size. It is, IMO, worth using a sharp razor blade unless you have some very sharp scissors.

If you start with a healthy coral, make a cut that does not bruise the tissue, you should have success. FWIW....halves seem to work better in my systems, and give me a larger coral faster...than trying to cut into 6 or 8 pieces
Hey i read this and i got a question.

I have a orange ric that is starting to get quite large and i would like to frag it.

I have fragged mushrooms before and ended up with several healthy shroom frags out of a single "mother" colony.

Are ricordia any different?

I plan on putting a small rubble pile at the bottom of a tupperware bin, and cutting the ricordia in to even (across the middle) quarters, then letting the pieces rest on the floor of my rubble pile bin protected from water flow until they attach and heal.

I guess what i need to know is if quarters are fine, or if i should just cut it in half.
I have like 5 semi big yumas that I would like to frag, but I havnt frageed ricordea before. So in doing so do u just cut from one end to the other or do u put the blade in the middle and cut out???
Just try to get each piece to have a small amount of mouth. You can frag them out of water, but be quick and get it done b4 it slimes up too much. If you don't get some mouth in the frag it can still make it, but the growth on that particular frag will take A LOT longer to grow. all of this is just IME...
If using scissors they need to be those stainless steel surgical ones, or whatever they're called, not ordinary scissors.
good info, i got a orange ric that looks like it is trying to split in three different directions, i was thinking i could help it out some :)