ric lighting question


New member
will putting a ric under 5k lighting kill the color? i am thinking about putting it in my fuge for about 2 weeks to let them attach onto some rubble rocks...

just wondering if the color will be lost? i assume it wouldn't but wanted to ask you guys... these are my first major rics...

i know i have to get them into the better lighting to get the full color lost from shipping...
they will lose some color and will take some time to get it back. Get a smll tupperware dish with rubble on the bottom and do it in your main tank under good lighting. And they dont really lose color from shipping.
cool... i will try it.. it hink i still have too much flow in my display even with tupper ware? may be i can try something really deep...
I keep my rics under 400w MH, and they have really great color. The blues stay off to the side until they acclimate and then get moved closer to the light. It helps them not bleach.

Try a deeper container, or use one of the betta breeding boxes with the slats on the side. If you put rubble on the bottom it should stay in place at the bottom of your tank.
Hope that helps
One guy on another thread used super glue he said he took the rock out of the tank and glued around 20 polyps on all at once let it set 30 seconds or so and returned the rock to the tank
yea, the sliminess might not be good for the glue...

just like the green slimer acro, i had a super hard time getting it to mount... everytime i took it out, it got all slimy like boogers when you got a cold!