Ricordea dropped a baby


New member
I posted this in our build thread, but thought it was cool enough to share here as well. This may be common to some, but I've never had it happen like this in a tank.

I've had ricordea split several times over the years, but this his the first time I have actually had one drop a baby. I snapped a few pictures of it tumbling around this morning. Was considering just letting it attach where it lands.

This is the mother:

And the baby:

And an actinic shot as the lights come on just for fun.
very cool. I've had micromussas that dropped babies like that & had a blatomussa wellsi that did it all the time. I've never had a ricordea do that though, only split. That's definitely pretty cool.
I'd put it in a little cup, or some other container, filled with rubble so that it's in slow flow and attaches to something, if it hasn't already.
Nice, did it drop right underneath mother? Must have happened when powerhead were off. Cool stuff

I tried to glue the little booger, to no avail. Within an hour he was back tumbling around the tank again.

If I do place him in a cup, how do I keep the cup suspended in the tank?

Put him in a cup with rubble and some kind of top that allows for some flow, mesh or cheesecloth or whatever. He'll attach to the rubble. No glue needed. May take a few days. Then glue the rubble wherever you want;)
How do you guys keep the cup in the tank? Do you just set it on the bottom? Or do you use some type of foam to keep it floating?
I used to see these often at the aquaculture place I worked at. We would get in lots of ricordea. I have not seen it in my tank.