Ricordia ID help (pics)


New member
I'm not up on doing specific ID's on these things. I'm wondering if this ricordia I have is "just some ricordia", or if it is of the "Yuma" variety or what? These are 2 pics of the same one, it's about an inch and a half in diameter. Dark green/dark red with orange mouth. (2 pics because I couldn't decide which pic was better :D )


Thanks guys, I have several babies of these that I was considering selling later on and wanted to make sure I wasn't calling something a Yuma when it wasn't.
I just bought 2 exactly like that. How fast have yours split and do you target feed them?
Sorry, just saw this...

I have not target fed mine at all. I have two large ones in different parts of the tank and not long after I started this tank and moved them into it, both took a "walkabout", all the while leaving little pieces of themselves that are now growing up. I have about a dozen that are in varying sizes from about the size of a dime to the size of a quarter. The largest one of the two "parents" is close to 3 inches in diameter. I do not know if they stopped producing babies right now because they ran out of convenient roaming room or what, but both have been stationary now for about a month.
Thanks for the info. While I like the idea of getting more for free, I really hope mine don't wander around the tank.

I like my corals to stay where I put them. :)
I hear you. However, one of the big ones is on a piece of branch type rock about 6 - 8 inches long and he hasn't wandered from that rock. The other one has remained on one rock as well, about the size of a softball, so not alot of wandering. :)