Ricordia reproduction questions from a newbie

Bud's Reef

New member
I have recently bought some ricordia which after reading other posts here and an article referenced in one of them, I believe are ricordia floridia.

My blue ricordia has two mouths and seems to be in the process of seperating with a mouth to each one. My first question is will the smaller one move away from the larger one on its own so they can both grow or will they just stay butted up to one another?

My green ricordia had three bodies with two attached to the same rock and the third attached to one of the other two. I let the one that was hanging out attach to another rock and then I cut those two off the original rock and then seperated them from each other. When I did that, I found a small fourth one under the other two. This small one is perfectly round with a mouth and just two rows of tentacles. I cut it off and have it in a dish with a net over it hoping it will grow and attach to the rock in the dish with it. So it appears the green may have reproduced by creating a new one out of the body not by splitting off a section with a mouth. Is that still ok for floridia?

After seperating all the green ones I ended up with two pieces that do not have mouths. Will they be able to grow a mouth and survive or are they doomed?
Thanks Psychographic!

Any thoughts on a natural splitting ricordia? Will it move away from the main one or will they stay pushed up against each other.

Do ricordia florida reproduce by splitting and also by growing a new baby one from the foot?