Rigged an old digital camera to project tank on the wall!


Premium Member
I was frustrated with my old Sony digital camera so I decided to experiment with it a bit today. The result is I now can project my tank live on the wall. The camera was basically useless as it only could load pics and short vids to a floppy. The floppy mechanism failed about 6 months ago. My new computer doesn't even take floppys. Today I noticed a small video out-put jack and decided to play around with it. I hooked it up to my Optoma projector that's also linked to my computer for watching movies and viola it worked.

But now I had another problem. The camera did not have a wall adapter and could only run on batteries. Because of this the camera would auto shut-off after a few minutes and there was no way to change it. When plugged into the wall the auto shut-off is disabled so I decided to take the camera apart and find the leads to the input for the wall adapter. I cut the leads and spliced them with some longer wires. The label next to the adapter input called for 7.2 volts DC. I had an old DC adapter laying around so I gave it a try. I set the adapter to 7.5 volts and it worked. The 12 year old 3 mega pixel camera is now useful again.

For those of you with a digital video projector you might want to give it a try. Having my tank projected on the wall is simply amazing! One of my cats has been watching the huge aquarium on the wall for at least an hour now.
Great job, and thanks for sharing BUT...

It looks like I will have to borrow my buddies camera again soon!

I even made a short stand for the camera and placed it next to the tank facing the left side. The view on the wall shows the length of the tank so the depth is pretty cool. The camera is also hidden by a fake plant so its pretty unobtrusive. Its a pretty sharp contrast to all the snow falling outside my window!
I can turn it on an off whenever I want. There is a voltage switch on the adapter. I'll definitely post some pics within a few days. I have about 1800 hours left on my projector lamp and I would not be surprised if the Maciva holds up that long.
Now how can he take pics with his camera in use? Now you have to buy a camera to take pics of your camera:p