Rimless 60 Gallon Cube Tanks Issues?

Like I said, I know that's an option. It's been presented numerous times.

Honestly I'm tired of messing with it. It's completely setup and I don't want to bother going through swapping yet another tank out whether it be Marineland or another manufacturer.

Long story short I'm lazy and given up.

Looking back, this whole thing amazes me...

My buddy at the local fish store has one worse than mine.

Its a dwarf lion tank he's had for a couple years.

Said not to worry about it.
I am currentlylooking at buying a marienland cube. After reading these issues I'm not sure. Do you have any more information about the tanks. Would you recommend one of these tanks or what tank do you recommend after all these problems. Thanks
PM sent, but I havent had an issue yet other than the visible micro-bubbles in the top corners.

MarineLand tripped me up saying it is bad and needs to be replaced... Thats what started this entire fiasco... (Although it has been said that is their answer to everything)

I know the 93 gallon cubes have more issues than the 60's.

It is a mass produced tank, which increases issues. (I'm am in no way saying it is an excuse to go 6 for 6.... lol!)

Quality, well built tanks from a reputable manufacturer will cost you more than you probably want to spend.

Like I said I'm getting estimates for a 72x24x14 and they range from 600 all the way up to 1800 so far.

The one around the 600 mark is 1/3 the cost of the other manufacturer, but they have a not so good track record in both build quality, warranty and customer support...

My MarineLand 60 cube, stand, custom sump, return pump and plumbing will most likely be going up for sale very soon due to the big tank... :lol2:
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Cube tank purchase

Cube tank purchase

I would like to go with a cube and since you have experience with them. I would like to know what you would recommend. Is it worth buying a more expensive cube than the marienland due to your track record with them. I'm ok spending a bit more money. Really would just like to get the best value for the dollar. I can get a marienland 60 cube for 200 bucks but is the a make that would be better spent money that you can think of? Maybe spending 400 instead?

Thanks for your input
If I could do it all over again I would have spent the money and went acrylic 24x24" in 1" thickness w/ an external overflow box. Maybe that's overkill, but that's just me.

You could do 1/2" euro-braced (if needed) to save $.

I would keep the Marineland stand. I happen to like it and I got it for a good price.

Keep in mind there is different acrylic ie: extruded vs cast and that will definitely vary price on what is chosen.

Also, acrylic as we know scratches easy, but if you take your time and take precautions that's not too much of an issue.

Ill PM you some reasonable priced acrylic aquarium manufactures I have used.

If it does scratch you can buff it out.

There are pros and cons in regards to glass vs acrylic. You can research for yourself and find out what is best for you.