Rimless tank help

C Dog

New member
I had posted this in the general section and haven't got any info so I'm gona try and ask on here. I have a 50 gal rimless and love it.

I bought a used drilled rimless tank. It is 71"L x 31"W x 24"T with 1/2" thick glass. The guy has never had water in it and used it as a snake tank. I am wanting to know if the 1/2" thick glass would be strong enough for the LxWxT of the tank?

Would you recommend i keep it how it is or a cross section say 10"+- of glass on top or small glasse euro brace all the way around? I would rather stick with rimless if possible.

I paid $300 and plan on making a better stand.

Thanks I have a few question:

If I do a euro brace how wide should the bracing be? Would I have to use 1/2" glass?

If I do a cross brace how wide and thick would it have to be? Would one single work?

I have options help me pick.

I am going to take the tank apart and have a glass company cut about 1/2" of glass off all the way around each piece (due to some to some edges not straight) , polish/smooth the edges then re-silicone it.

1.Do a complete rimless and cut the glass down to 16" tall 152.5 gallons

2. Euro brace and cut the tank down to 20" 190.6 gallons

3. Cross brace and not have to cut. 228.7 gallons
Depends on what you're going to keep: are you going end up putting mesh on it to keep fish in? if so, go with the eruo+cross but I'd still cut down an inch if I were you. Leave the corners square (polished though) adn you can make square mesh tops that drop in nicely.

If you're going open top and you're having it cut down anyway, go rimless and 16 inches. The shallow wide reefs like that are very striking to me.
Open top no mesh. This will also be dividing my dinning room to to another room/living room. I am gona remodel around this tabk