Ro-DI Filters ?


New member
How often does everyone have to change their filters out. My tank evaporates about 1 gallon a day and I do 25-30 gallon water changes every 3-4 weeks. I flush the filters for 10 minutes before every use. It's been 13 months and ,thankfully, I am still reading 0 tds. I know there are a lot of variable to consider I was just wondering about how long I can expect the filters to last based off of the use listed above. FYI tds at the tap are 150-200.

Thanks in advance.
Check your water pressure as it enters the membrane, should be around 40 psi. When it starts to drop, replace the sediment filter. For residential, every 6-9 months is reasonable depending on usage. Two carbon filters ever 12 months, same with DI that's if pressures stay the same and TDS remains at zero after the DI. Replacing the, every year is a small price to pay considering that you have water when you want it without lugging jugs around.

My filters lasted me 1.5 years because I have a booster pump and was able to adjust it for higher pressure. TDS stayed at zero after the DI, I would flush my membrane for a minute or two as well. Just added a permeate pump as well to help with efficiency. Looking to add another membrane to reduce the water bill.
Change the filters when you get tds.
Change the membrane when output gets slower than expected.

I just replaced the membrane and I forgot how fast it can make water.
I always recommend replacing the sediment filter every 3 months or so. They're dirt cheap ($3-$5) and significantly prolongs your carbon and DI resin.
Check your water pressure as it enters the membrane, should be around 40 psi. When it starts to drop, replace the sediment filter. For residential, every 6-9 months is reasonable depending on usage. Two carbon filters ever 12 months, same with DI that's if pressures stay the same and TDS remains at zero after the DI. Replacing the, every year is a small price to pay considering that you have water when you want it without lugging jugs around.

My filters lasted me 1.5 years because I have a booster pump and was able to adjust it for higher pressure. TDS stayed at zero after the DI, I would flush my membrane for a minute or two as well. Just added a permeate pump as well to help with efficiency. Looking to add another membrane to reduce the water bill.

....first off water pressure will be dictated going into the RO membrane at the rate it is entering, and yes it should have a minimum rate which will be dictated by the membrane in use and the setup ....single or dual RO membrane .......but 40 may not be applicable for every unit...........yours may be 40 mine is 67 as that is an optimal psi for the membrane and setup I am using (pressure pump, dual DI chambers and a total of 8 stages)....second TDS can be 0 with any amount of TDS coming into it as long as enough DI is used to clean it up......even if the RO membrane is bad and isnt doing its optimal job and is over do to be changed......the RO membrane needs to have TDS measured at the incoming amount directly to it and then measured coming directly out of it then do the math and see if it is operating at the listed percent of rejection rating most RO membranes should be rejecting 98% even though there are a few new ones on the market that do 99% ....its all in the math not just seeing 0 coming out of the DI

Agreed that Yes flushing the RO membrane should be done every time you use the unit...this will lengthen the efficiency and lifespan of the RO membrane not to mention the lifespan and overall efficiency of the DI
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