RO/DI Producing Very Little Water


New member
Hello everyone, I did quite a few searches and can't quite find the answer that solves my problem. I have the BRS RO/DI 4 stage Unit and it was barely producing any water. The system is about five years old and I regularly change the sediment, carbon, and DI stages accordingly. After recently putting all new filtration in I am still getting a very small drip from my unit so swapped out the membrane for a new one. I'm still getting hardly any water produced. It has been running for 2 days now and hasn't even filled a 5 gallon bucket. I've checked all tubing to be sure no obstructions are present and my water pressure is quite strong coming directly from a faucet I installed directly after my water meter and running to the RO unit. I have no idea what the problem could be and hope that someone here will be able to help me sort this out.
Is the flush valve open?
When did you last change the prefilters?. Do you have pressure gauges on it? Like post prefilters,etc...
Temporarily remove all the prefilters and see if it works..only run it for a few minutes like that...
What size ro membrane? 75gpd?
Picture of my RO Setup

Picture of my RO Setup

I wanted to add a picture of my setup. I have the unit running from my house supply out to a splitter that goes to my ATO first which gets shut off by a float valve and then fills my RO mixing bucket with another float valve. I turn the bucket off with a valve to keep my ATO replenished when not in use. Hope the picture helps and up until now this setup has worked flawlessly. Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions!

Bobby C.
Incloud Design

Is the flush valve open?
When did you last change the prefilters?. Do you have pressure gauges on it? Like post prefilters,etc...
Temporarily remove all the prefilters and see if it works..only run it for a few minutes like that...
What size ro membrane? 75gpd?

When did you last change the prefilters? All new 2 days ago.
Do you have pressure gauges on it? NO
What size ro membrane? 75gpd? 100gpd
I don't see any type of flush valve on the unit. I've watched videos on fast flush and other flushing techniques but all I seem to have is a small piece that says "FLOW" on it but has no way to flush or turn any valve.
In the old days before computers told us everything. You had to start at one end and figure out what is wrong by testing each part.
I would start by seeing what comes out the tube from your faucet. If that shoots out then hook it to the 1st canister filter and see what comes out. Then hook in second canister. See what comes out. Proceed down the line until you find the place where water fails to shoot out.
For me to trying to guess what is wrong, is very hard, not being there.
Makes no sense, I just went down and went from the line all the way through the entire unit without pre-filters, took out the flow restrictor, there's a full stream of water coming after the DI section and still no output. Now I'm getting nothing at all but a pretty strong waste stream. I've been troubleshooting this for a few days now and at my wits end. I do not see how it is possible for no water to come out at all.
Well today I took the unit completely out, hooked it up outside to my water hose and went from every point from input to output. I'm not entirely sure what the problem was but it was the resin chamber causing it. I took it apart and carefully put it together and now I'm getting outstanding performance. I think the cap to the resin canister may have been cross threaded and causing pressure loss but I'm not sure. Either way it is working great now and all is good. Was driving me mad trying to figure it out. Thanks to everyone for their feedback and suggestions, truly grateful for the support!