RO/DI system revision


New member
In an attempt to optimize my RO/DI unit I am making some changes to my water system. I have the BRS 75 gpd deluxe unit. It currently feeds a 5 gallon reservoir with a float switch for ATO from the DI unit and a drinking water tank right after the RO unit.

The plan is to feed a 50 Gallon reservoir with a High/Low switch from Spectra pure, LLC-SVC-2FLT-4-10. I will be adding a new 120 gallon DT to compliment my current 75 gallon DT. The freshwater reservoir will feed the ATOs, saltwater reservoir and a Kalk reservoir.

Now my question, I was thinking of hooking my drinking water system to my freshwater reservoir. The hope was to gain some effiency from the ro/di unit due to it's longer run times rather than a few quick runs. Was doing some research and wanted to run this by the others here. What i was thinking of doing is feeding my drinking water pressure tank with a delivery pump, like aquatec 7800, with a pressure switch, like aquatec psw-60. Will this work? any other suggestions? Still in the planning phases and looking for help.
I would not use the DI water for drinking. Beyond the strange taste it pulls electrolytes from your body (most likely this is not a problem, although the WHO issued a health advisory not recommending the practice). It is also very corrosive, so your plumbing would all need to be done with PVC. For RO water I don't see a problem although there may be a short delay in getting pressure.
Thanks thegrun. I did not do a search on the health risks of DI water. I will read more on that. mcgyvr that is how my unit is set up now, what i was hoping to do is increase the efficiency of the unit by having longer run times rather than short run time because some one gets a glass of water. I think i will leave it as it is. Thanks guys.
It's been debated back and forth for awhile as to drinking DI water. In my own research it makes sense that even coming in contact with air restores ionic balances to a certain extent, but all in all, it's used as a solvent for cleaning pcb's in the electronics industry.

I'm good just drinking RO water :)
I am not entirely sure about the health risks of DI water, but DI resin gets used up much quicker than the RO membrane. It seems a bit silly to waste the lifespan on drinking water when RO water is perfectly fine and safe. If RODI water was good to drink, I'm sure the home appliance industry would be sure to include that stage in systems it sells saying its even better for us. That's a good enough benchmark for me
Thought ive read that since you are removing all the chlorine from the water you run the risk of bacteria infecting the ro water and we shouldnt be drinking it
Thought ive read that since you are removing all the chlorine from the water you run the risk of bacteria infecting the ro water and we shouldnt be drinking it

I've heard that too, but heard it's only the water sitting in it.. So if you run it 5 mins it clears it out.. (I havn't died yet :D )
I use my 55 gal drum for both aquarium water and drinking water. I haven't noticed any ill effects.

The best part time thing my first carpet ate four green tulips. 😜