RO New filters membrane/ TDS output higher than old filters


I found a DI unit on Craiglist all I have to do is buy some new media and I can add it on to my RO unit. My TDS meter is at 20 and it has been over a year so I thought it was a good time to change all the filters.

I bought the system used so I have bought all new filters and this time a new membrane. I found a kit on ebay for about 40.00 which included everything. I replaced all. It appears that the membrane is the same brand that was in the RO unit when I purchased it. Now that all the filters and membrane is replaced my TDS meter readings are worse than when I started. I have ran about 7-8 gallons through the system. Out going TDS has dropped however it is still only around 10% lower than the water going in. I am going to run another 10 gallons through to see how much more it will drop, however this seems excessive to me. Any thoughts?

Incoming water is 85 outgoing is 73 which has dropped from over 100 (Guess the carbon dust is still settling out)

Once the TDS is low again I will add the new DI unit.

Seems like it is taking a lot of water to flush out the new filters?
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Could be that you didn't fully seat the membrane and water is leaking past it..
Or you just bought absolute junk.. :)

Depending on the membrane it should be like 90%+ reduction after the membrane..

I'd take it apart and try to reseat it again.. make sure everything is hooked up right,etc...
7-8 gallons should be plenty to flush it out..
OK. will check.
Seems like it would be difficult to put it in wrong ;)

I also sent email to ebay store I purchased from.
So are you saying you bought all the replacements for 40.00? That sounds very cheap to me as most quality RO Membranes can cost 30-50 dollars alone. Do you know the specs of each? What is your PSI?
When I pulled OLD membrane out it was actually same exact brand and GPH

So yea all new items. Although when looking over the initial filters I bought one of the carbon cartridges appear to me of nicer quality (granulated carbon cartridge) The sediment filters do not "appear" any different.
Problem solved...Membrane was in backwards. I like to think that I put in in the same way I pulled it out. They should probably have some sort of notch so that only goes in one way to make it idiot proof ;) Once I looked at the container and the o rings on the membrane I figured out how it should be inserted...

Either way, I am glad it is working. Now I can add the new to me DI unit!

The 40 dollar filters have reduced the incoming water by about 90% now. Now to see how long they last.
Excellent and I'm glad you figured it out. Yeah maybe they need a big red arrow to point which way the water should flow. :lolspin: I maybe crazy but I get a lot of my RO membranes from BRS as I have found over the course of several months all membranes, sediment, carbon and di resin are not the same. I'm finally up to 98%.
Keep close tabs on that membrane - you can ruin it quickly by running water backwards through it. Water may not have gone backwards through it much - the feedwater may have just folded over the brine seal