Rock Bottom Crude


New member
I am interested in purchasing some rock bottom crude to help rejuvinate my DSB. This item could help me with that correct. I am not exactly sure what this stuff looks like. How do I put it in my tank, it is something that is nasty looking and I need to bury it in the sand or behind my live rock. What do you do with it? I don't have a refugium so I will be putting it my my display tank. I have a 120 gallon 6 ft tank. with 6 inch dsb. I plan to purchase a box of 40lbs or figi rock and probably some rock bottom crude. would you ship that together in the same box or will I need special shipping for it?

I've purchased it twice. It is a mix of LR rubble, shells, and brownish sand, plus whatever lifeforms happen to be in that stuff.

I try to put it behind rock structures in my main tank because it isn't as pretty as my Southdown DSB. It tended to migrate around the tank, and eventually mix with the DSB. The sand part is less noticeable now.
You can order the rock and crude together. 40 lbs of rock and a few pounds of crude should fit in the same box. The stuff is pretty nasty so if you have a place to hide it, that might be better for the looks of your tank. It's full of life and is perfect to rejuvenate a sand bed.