RODI Issues


Starting up my 120G after years. I am working on my RODI now and am getting terrible output rates. It is about 15 waste to 1 gallon filtered.

I have just changed all filters and the membrane. I tested removing the auto shut off, nothing helps. I used to get 5 to 1. What could be the issue?

Also as I disconnected all tubes, I am not 100% sure they are connected right, but 99% sure.

I have connected the pre-filters to RO membrane input. Then the waste side has my flow restrictor of 550 for a 75gpd. Do I have the RO membrane outputs correct in the image attached? The black tube is my pure, white is to the flow restrictor.

I know the problem is probably related to pressure, getting a gauge soon, but cant imagine its that much lower in a few years. Could there be buildup in all the lines?


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Picture looks correct. Is that a new flow restrictor or the one you used before? I ask because it's behaving like the restrictor is not sized properly. (550 should be fine but Amazon cheapy might not really be 550). It's a pain to take the membrane back out but maybe make sure the product fitting in the housing isn't blocked with gunk.
I’d bet on water pressure. Maybe nothing has changed in your house, but what about the surrounding area? More homes/businesses added lowering overall pressure in the area?

When we first moved to this house, water pressure was great. Low TDS out of the membrane and zero after DI. About a year ago, I started noticing those #’s going up. Replacing cartridges, membrane & DI had no effect. I ended up adding a pressure gauge to the system and, sure enough, low pressure across the membrane. Bought a booster pump and everything had been great since.