Royal Exclusiv Dreambox sumps - is there a chamber for refugium?


Active member
So I'm looking at these Royal Exclusiv Dreambox sumps and trying to figure out how to incorporate a refugium into one.

The tank is going to be 84x30x20 so there is plenty of room underneath.

I was looking at their 1,000 liter sumps which are 100cm = 40" long

I have plenty of space under this size tank and really want a good size refugium to compliment it.

Could I just go with one of their 2,000 liter 150cm = 5' long and use a chamber for the fuge?

What are my options here with these?
Why not just build your own? You can build it anyway you want that will fit your needs, and it would be about a 1/3 of the price.

Simple 40 breeder, some glass from lowes or your local glass shop( I would use the local glass shop as they would be able to cut to fit and polish the edges so they are not sharp), tape, a ruler, and some silicone. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Always thought it was a daunting task until I built my first one. Now, I would never pay for a prebuilt sump no matter how pretty it is/was.

Holy carp batman!!! a grand for a basic sump, then up the cost from there! I can build one out of glass for a 1/8 of the price. The last 4 section sump with probe holders, dosing line holders, and filter socks costed roughly $300. Tank, extra glass, and silicone was only 100$, all the extras is what cost extra. I myself, find that as a huge ripoff.

Heck my entire SCA 80G starfire rimless with stand, sump, skimmer, and return pump was less then the dreambox nano.

To answer your question, by looking at them, no. They do sell a separate refugium add on section for 700 - 1200 bucks depending on size. Come on really, 1200$ for an acrylic box....... While I do like their stuff and it generally gets great reviews, I just find it very pricey.
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Well no one said it was gonna be cheap!! lol

I'm really looking for a show-stopper setup and good old siliconed baffles in a 40 breeder just won't do.

I'll look at their website a bit more and see how the fuge's link up.

Like Homer said Build your own? It is easy call your local plastics place and give them the exact measurements you want with the colors of acrylics you want. I have used red, black and clear. I use Weldon #4 to glue everything in place and then place a bead of Weldon #16 on all the seams to ensure no leaks.


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There is no built in refugium in the Dreamboxes. You could use the skimmer compartment if you aren't planning a skimmer but most prefer the external refugiums because it allows for refugium cleaning without having to shut the system down. That said, we do offer separate matching refugiums in a wide range of sizes that can be plumbed into the return section of the Dreambox and fed via a manifold from the return pump or by a dedicated pump.

Also note that we have a dedicated forum here on Reef Central in the sponsor section.
Here is a link to that forum.