Royal-Exclusiv / Vertex Cone Skimmer Club

joining the bubble king alpha members..

my main tank, Alpha 250


my frag tank, Alpha 200


Both of my skimmer use the same size pumps and has these type of Nozzle (none adjustable). I was wondering, if any theres any improvement made to performance/adjustability on these pumps?

After almost a year, I finally figured out one thing that was the cause of periodic overflowing with my alpha 200. Since I have had the alpha 200, I have experience episodes of crazy overflowing now and then. In time, I figured out what some of those causes were. For example, when we used a certain appliance cleaner or cleaned the floors with a certain cleaner, those cleaners would cause an overflow. Once the causes was identified, the fix was simple.

However, my 200 still had this tendency to overflow after 2 or 3 or 4 weeks for no reason that I could find. I could see the change in the bubbles and foam over a matter of several days to a couple of weeks,,,, leading up to the overflow. First the bubbles in the lower chamber would start moving down towards and then to the bottom bubble plate. Also the bubbles in the neck just below the collection cup would start to swirl in all directions rather than just move upwards. I would have to start to open the outflow value to keep it from overflowing. Eventually, despite being in full open position, it would overflow. Looked just like if something was in the water making it overflow.....such as epoxy, etc.

I had ruled out any chemicals in the air or added to the water, etc. But couldn't figure out why the bubble pattern would change like this. Then I finally realized the problem.

The red plastic tube that inserts into the skimmer body; connecting the silicone tube from the pump to the inner skimmer body, would slowly start to slip out. It wouldn't take much to slip out of the inner part of the skimmer body before the pump output starts to leak into the outer segment of the skimmer body. Once this starts to happen, the bubble pattern becomes more turbulent, the bubbles start to move down to the bottom bubble plate, and eventually the whole thing starts to overflow after a few days. It looks just like something was added to the water, but is simply caused by that red tube slipping out a bit.

A little bit of super glue to secure that red tube from slipping out fixed that problem and now after a few months,,,,no more overflowing problem. The skimmer is very consistent now.

Perhaps I am the only one that was not aware of this potential problem?! But in case anyone else was experiencing a similar problem can consider this as a possible cause for them too.

I found the same thing..... If I clean my filter socks in the washing machine with some bleach my skimmer overflows for 2 days. If I use vinegar to soak my pumps and its with in 5 foot of my skimmer it will pull in the smell and start overflowing. I have to clean the air port on the end of the pump every 2-3 weeks or it clogs just a very small amount with calcium build up and starts overflowing. And the red tube bit me in the butt one time. took me 2 days to figure out why the thing wouldnt stop overflowing.
It was good to talk to you today on the phone. I have tried everything I can think of and still am having problems with my 200 overflowing. I now have it sitting in 8 1/2" of water. I have the wedge pipe fully open. I tried to run it with the nozzle two turns out but it just kept overflowing. I had taken the foam filter out of the silencer but that made it worse. Right now I have it running with the foam filter back in and the nozzle turned 1 1/2 turns out. I would not say it is overflowing right now but I am getting a very wet skim. I am going to try and run like this overnight to see what it does but I know this is not peak performance for this skimmer.
What suggestions do you have? What should I try to adjust first? Water level or nozzle adjustments. The wedge pipe is fully open right now so no adjusting there. Should I remove the foam filter from the silencer before making any adjustments?
Thanks for your input.

Try taking off the air silencer and running it with out it. I had to take mine off or it overflowed.
hello all :D Im joining the club too lol just got my alpha cone 200 last night

my tank will be ready in a month

how should I wash the skimmer and get it ready ? so when the tank is up I dont have to wait for it to break in ... ? vinegar bath ? or just a bucket of Saltwater and let the skimmer skim that bucket ? I could trow in some skimmate from my other tanks for the skimmer to pull out ?

lastly, what should be the water level in sump ? will have a high bioload, and Zeovit tank/.

thanks everyone.
I agree, take the foam out of the air silencer and see if that helps. If that foam gets clogged up the air draw will decrease, water flow will increase, and the skimmer will spew microbubbles and overflow.
Can someone help me decide on which alpa cone please? I have a 215 display and a 100 gallon sump, heavily stocked. I was leaning towards the 250, what do you guys think?

I have it and its way to big for my 220 gallons of water.

With your system you will be around 260 or so gallons.
Ed, it is indeed compatible. All you need to do is to pull out the red nozzle and gray bushing as one piece. If you put your finger in there and pull outward it should pop right out. The new nozzle will just push into place.
Hello all. A question about the pump nozzle on 200
Just set mine up and there is a white nozzle screwed into the pump, when I unscrew it the flow is much higher. Is that to control flow ? Or should I remove it ?

It looks just like the replacement nozzle without the grey part, gonna try switching with the current nozzle
Hello all. A question about the pump nozzle on 200
Just set mine up and there is a white nozzle screwed into the pump, when I unscrew it the flow is much higher. Is that to control flow ? Or should I remove it ?

It looks just like the replacement nozzle without the grey part, gonna try switching with the current nozzle

Screw the white nozzle all the way into the right. Mark the top, 12 o'clock position with a dot, then back it out to the left two full turns. This is where you will want to start it at. You can then adjust from there, no more than 4 full turns out.
Jeremy, I inquired about the adjustable screw nozzle fo r the 200 and you are out of stock. You mentioned that the 250 nozzle would fit and since it was adjustable there shouldn't be any ill affects. What's the difference between the 200 and 250 nozzles?
I just ordered two 250 nozzles for my Alpha 200 and Alpha 250. I was told that the Alpha 200 is 1mm longer than the 250. The functionality should be the same, its just the amount of turns to tune air ratio will be different.
Screw the white nozzle all the way into the right. Mark the top, 12 o'clock position with a dot, then back it out to the left two full turns. This is where you will want to start it at. You can then adjust from there, no more than 4 full turns out.

Thank you :)

soo at 2 turns, I get almost no foam

at 4 turns, same ... no foam

sorry but since there is no manual, where can I get some info on what this is for ? what its controlling ? what is the goal of doing these turns ?
are we turning so we find the correct AIR intake for the skimmer body so no micro-bubbles come out ? sounds very un-logical as the skimmer advertises to pull in 2000 LPH while we turn it down to 800 LPH (2 turn out of 10) I think ?
any explanation, links, or anything else is appreciated!

I have had the skimmer in a salt water bucket with some LR for 4 days now, no skimmate what so ever ... no foam what so ever ... water dept is 8" and the gate valve fully opened.

can you please advice what I should do ? (boy am I glad I didnt make my sump at 8" already !!!) I have opened the white nozzle at about 10 turns now, and I see a BIT of foam forming !!! YAY LOL so ..... ummm, anyone can explain what these are for ? or maybe produce a manual for this ? lol should I RAISE the water level and close the nozzle to 4 turns ?

thanks, and I have used many many skimmers in the past and my current one ...

from what I used to think .... the shallower the water, the more air the pump can pump in, so the less you want to open the nozzle .... seems to be not true in this case as I dont think I can go below 8" of water ....

any sort of reply or help is appreciated ...
I just ordered two 250 nozzles for my Alpha 200 and Alpha 250. I was told that the Alpha 200 is 1mm longer than the 250. The functionality should be the same, its just the amount of turns to tune air ratio will be different.


so the nozzle is to control the air to water ratio ?

meaning to get more foam, turn the nozzle open more ?

From what i understood, by turning the nozzle fully IN will shut off the air. Mark the top of the nozzles and that will be your starting position. Then turn the nozzle 3 full turns out and that'll be your tuning position. you could either open or close it from there to have the best result.. But , then again. I have not recieved my nozzles and this is just from what i understood. I could be totally wrong..